Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weather man

In science class in 4th grade i had to do a weather report and act like i was a weather man on t.v. We had to have are 7 day forcast and cover all of the 50 states weather. I wanted to be the best presenter so i bought a fake mustasch to put on and wore a suit for the presentation. I bought the mustasch because i had a fear of presenting in front of the class so I thought buying it would be a great idea. My class thought it was funny that I choose to present my information this way. They couldnt believe that I put on a show like that for them . The reason why I did it this way is becuase this is what I thought a weater man looked. When I was younger I would watch the news so I can watch the weather man predict what the weather would be. It was cool to see the backround and the fake rain and snow over the states.

In my presentation I covered all the weather and brought a funny element to doing the weather. My teacher thought I did a good job and told me this was the first time that anyone has done something like this in her class. after my presentation i felt releaved to get it done and proud that i finally was a weather man.

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