Thursday, July 24, 2008

makin your own decision

I think that when it was time to make choices the hood will effect them if they wanted to be effected by the hood. See the experience of being in the projects would make you think better to get out and make better decisions for your life. It effect them in a good way because now they want to live better and not have to worry about there saftey. I think it doesnt matter where you come from whether you grom the burbs or the hood. It is all up to you if you make the wrong decisins and go the wrong path only you can you decide your fate only you control your life. I've seen people from the hood become wealthy people and people from the burbs live like bums, so it really dosent matter were you come from only you make your the decisions. The burbs or the hood dosent make you, you make the hood or the burbs.

1 comment:

Tyler Flynn Dorholt said...


These are some great starters. Do we then have the will inside us to make a difference? Are we who we are because of our nature and not the environment? Do people make it out because they are meant to or because they did everything in their own power to?