Monday, July 28, 2008


To me a father figure like that is sometimes what you get. It may not be all the time but it still may be some of the time. Having a father like that can work to your advantage or not at all. In Eustaces situation i think it helped him because you realize that the only reason he was in the wilderness was because of the things his father taught him. Now the way he did it may not have been fair at all but it sure did the trick.
It helped to be the person he is today, persistant, devoted, and in all aspects of the word, motivated. It helped him to conquer his goals and challenge himself. Granted having a father like that could get pretty stressful and almost ruin the relationship because of all the self humiliation, or it could just give him dicipline. For many people who dont know, a father is an important figure, especially in a young boys life. This man will single handedly make the boy the man he will once be if he has any interest in his own son.

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