Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mansfield & Tom

Mansfield (me) and Tom had similar beliefs. We believe that it’s ok to confront a friend who is doing something wrong. The most we will do is confront them. We would let them understand that it is their life they are corruption but we will take no further action then that. It is their life. If it was a life or death situation we would do what we can to intervene. Other than that we respect space.
In the book our America it was surprising to see that Lloyd would confront his friend about drug dealing. It really put him on a good guy’s point of view in my eyes. Tom believes he is taking the safer way out by going out on the street and providing for his family as well as his own life. Tom does not support what he is doing but it’s a way for him to get by in that society with the mentality they he will only live ten more years.

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