Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Samantha and Jonathan's response to Stephanie

If we saw someone participating in an illegal activity and they were just causing harm to only themselves we would leave it alone. It's their business and they can deal with it since they put it upon themselves. It would be different if it was being directed towards someone else. An unwilling bystander who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time then we would try and help. Not necessarily stop it ourselves but go and try to find help.

It would change the situation if it was a close friend. We wouldn't go out and find help we would confront them right away since we care about their well being. It doesn't make you a bad friend, it shows that you are there for them even through the rough times. In one of the chapters in our book the animal suite experiment they were facing a tough situation by being harassed by the towns people but just shook it off because it was nothing to get heated about. They understood the ignorance of the people and why they accept them. There was a positive outcome because they learned so much and used it in a positive way.

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