Wednesday, July 23, 2008

vietnam in america

Knowing that young children are living in conditions like this is very discouraging. Since this is America and this is the place where you are supposed to feel safe and have freedom to live your life not worrying about if you are going to get shot today. That there are so many privileged people that live in the states but so many people that can't afford to buy a meal. I think it's sad that no one is trying to fix things and make it better so every American can live freely and safely.

It does make me uncomfortable that things like this could go on, and that we all are so close to it but there doesn't seem to be anything going on to fix it. People will just close their eyes and pretend that nothing is going on, since that is much easier than trying to fix things when you already have everything. I hope that one day everyone can live in peace and have the same opportunities to get out of the projects. To live a life where there is no violence and crime. That can only happen if changes start to happen and people put in time and effort to figure out what needs to be done. People shouldn't be dying because of where they live.

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