Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lie to me, please

I remember a time in my creative writing class that I had to write a persuasive topic on what I did not believe in. the topic was videogames are a bad influence on kid. I personally love video games. To me they are a clean escape from reality by keeping you away from the streets or other bad methods of coping with things. Almost like a video game therapy. so the fact that I had to write about something I totally didn’t believe in and convince an audience that what I was saying was true was a challenge, but I enjoy a good challenge.
I was being graded on the number of votes I get for from people that believed what I was saying was true. So getting there attainting was important to me. I looked online for many different methods and the most bloody and gruesome games I could find. I used those games as examples of “how cruel reality could be” and how “videogames make it worse on minds”. Surprisingly my skill of BS paid off and they believed me. My only problem was converting them back to my original belief.

1 comment:

Julian said...

A very good blog. I can see as to why you chose those gruesome video games and I can also see how you use video games to escape.