Monday, July 28, 2008

My Story...From Beginning to End

The types of struggles that my characters are experiencing are similar in many ways. In the novel Our America LeAlan and Lloyd are both living in a horrible community where most everyone is either selling drugs or on them or are in a gang. Both boys are living without their father. Although Lloyd’s father is still around, his father is an alcoholic and is never there for him. Lloyd’s two sisters raise him and he is basically without a parent at all. Both boys are living in situation that I could never imagine myself or anyone else living in.
The story that I would tell about my life would probably be a good one. Not too much negative other than the fact that I messed up big time in high school with my grades and with my focus because then I was more focused on what others thought about me rather than my grades and doing well in life (Thank God I had a glimpse of reality when I did). My story would probably be that of a church girl growing up on the south side of Chicago and moving to the suburbs and the change that took place in the suburbs after I moved there. My story would be amazing, different from LeAlan and Lloyd’s but just as interesting!

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