Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just Not Right!

I feel that the way they live is to a certain extent unacceptable. The projects were'nt always that bad the people made it that way. I feel like having to live in a place where you don't know if you will ever see a love one again if you happen to go outside at the wrong time is not right. In the story the boys living conditions were not that great because of the violence and the drugs and the dangers. I would hate to have to raise my child in an enviroment like such.
The fact that LeAlan compared his nieghborhood to vietnam is rather displeasing. To not be able to have an emotion or reaction to a shooting, killing, or drug transaction is ridiculous to me. To be desinsitized in such a manor is kind of uncomfortable because they find it acceptable. I truly feel for those that had to endure going through that in their own backyard.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I agree with you, it is unacceptable they way these boys live. Noone should have to grow up in that environment. It is said that the projects were compared to vietnam, it also sadens me as well. The living condition were terrible. I too, would never want to raise my children in such a terrible atmosphere.