Monday, July 28, 2008

Reponse to Nandos Question - by jonathan

I do not know much about the The Last American Man, Eustace, but what i've read form synopsis' he seems to be a self sufficient man. A dedicated hard worker and a man of nature. The qualities that Eustace posseses seems to be the qualites aquired from a fathers teaching. Its possible that the way his father was, a strict father who made him do problems all night, might have taught him things that help him live his life the way he does. Doing problems until early hours of the morning could have taught Eustace to be dicsiplined and precise. Maybe Esuutace owes his self sufficientcy to the way his father taught him even if he didnt see it at the time.

This type of father is not common to me necsicarily. My parents were very lieniant while i was growing up and let me figure things out on my own. This is jsut another method i suppose. So, no my parents were not Stict like Eustace's father but they taught me in their own way to be self sufficient.

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