Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Great Debate!

The last presentation I have given was my senior year in English. I did a presentation on encouraging students not to become young mothers. I had noticed over half the girls in my high school were pregnant or already mothers before graduation. This kind of disturbed me, knowing I had so many peers becoming mothers and not college students. I had decided that if I had to stand up in front of a group to give an opinion it would be a strong one. I knew in one way or another this would cause a debate, since there were mother's in this class. I wanted to speak on other alternatives in life, being a mother could wait.
My audience was very attentive since the subject was so touchy. I felt some tension while talking but I had to stand for what I believed in. If I had a choice I would probably do it again. I felt that I had something important to get across. As for my audience some felt the same way, and there were some who disagreed. As the presenter I learned even if people diagree with what you are saying or do not agree with you, you still have to be able to speak and get ypur point across. Someone may have been listening and understand where I was coming from as a high school student seeing my peers as mothers. No matter what the subject sometimes you have to speak on it.

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