Thursday, July 24, 2008

Enviroment vs Choice

I do not think that anyone should be allowed to grow up in such harsh conditions where their life is constantly in danger. I think that their circumstances can affect them in a both a good and bad way. By observing their environment and seeing the havoc being brought upon it, they may very well decide to go against the pressures of their environment. On the other hand, they might decided to cave into the situations that surround them.

Though I have not read the book, I think that the boy's curious natures will lead them outside of the homes that the live in and move onto something sucessfull for themselves. I don' think that it does not matter as to where you come from; whether it be the poorest country or the depths of the ghetto, I belief the environment can mold your thinking if you were to allow it to do such. Those whose go against the norm and make their own paths are those who have made the choice to not let their environment affect them in a negative way.

1 comment:

samanthag said...

Hearing about the enviroment molding someone really holds true. That you can get sucked into what is going on around you or you can break out and do what you think is best. That choosing your own path depends on you.