Monday, July 28, 2008

Would You Read Me?

The characters' struggle is mainly dealing with their enviroment. Lloyd and LeAlan are two young men growing up in the projects, full of violence, crime, drugs. This not a place most people want to live. They struggle everyday just to survive. The way that live Lloyd not having a mother and being raised by his sisters, LeAlan's mother being Bi polar and living with his grandmother is another struggle within their households. They struggle to try to overcome these circumstances every day to be different and not labled like everyone else.
If I were to write about my life, I'd probably write about the good and the bad. I would write about the bad so that people can see where I am coming from and what I had to struggle with. I would write about the good so that people can see how I have come along and grown for the better. I would want people to learn from my bad and know that good things do happen. I think that my struggles would be a lesson for people following in my footsteps.

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