Tuesday, July 29, 2008

be myself

In The Last American man we see a person who is not very common in our society but more like a person who lives in our backyards aka America. Eustace is a person is you are likely not to see unless you live in a rural area. Everyday people got to work, have a family to support, go to school,drive a car or ride a bike, eat fast food. We also watch t.v., listen to music, do chores but Eustace doesn't have to worry about any of that. He doesn't worry about the same priorities as normal people would.
Eustace is different from a everyday person he has no job, no worries, he lives off the land he travels, he is person who can survive on anything compared to a everyday person. Eustace is person who dosent live the same lifestyle as the people i know, he dosent have to worry about paying the rent on time, how you gonna get to school or do i have enough money for lunch today. I would act normal I am the type of person if you come off nice ill be nice also. I would act normally like myself there is no reason i have to change. I'm going to act like myself there is no reason to change or to fit in with the person.

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