Monday, July 28, 2008

Personal suffering

As a child Eustace Conway suffered being neglected. No he wasn't abused, and starved to death. He had clothes to wear and a roof over his head. But his father would have nothing to do with what Young Eustace wanted to do with his life. Eustace Jr's dream was not questionable in Eustace Sr's head. Young Eustace has had to deal with that his whole life, and to this day his father still doesn't understand why Eustace does what he does.

If I had to write a story about my life it would be a combination of both bad and good. I would write about the struggles I've had in my life and how I overcame them. How I became to be the successful young woman I am today. Even though the begining when it seems like the world is going to end, My story would show that there always a light at the end of the tunnel, theres always a way for happiness. Its just a matter of you wanting and finding it.

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