Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chicago like Vietnam not even close!

It is not acceptable but its life we have to deal were we live and accept the fact that we live in a war zone. Some people consider it be normal because that were they grew up and were raised. No its not right that they live in such a community that everyday they here gunshots but its life and we cant change it. See some people have to deal with living in such projects because there father or mother doesn't have the opportunity to move in a better community. If there is war going on you got to learn to accept it and stay away from it.
Does like me I've grew up around a bad neighborhood but i learned to does accept it and go on with life. I have something in common with these kids i hear gunshots, people yelling outside, firecrackers going off, sirens going off every hour you does learn to deal with it and go threw life and ignore it. See does like to these kids im use to my environment to me im living in aight area even tho its a bad place, its were i grew up and its what im use to and i feel comfortable in my hood. I don't feel uncomfortable with them calling parts of chi town Vietnam because its true and look at the news or newspapers and you'll see what im talking about.
My hood is the same way kids dying in my neighborhood like every month for what over some wrong colors or what you reppin. See are streets are like war zones and Vietnam because you got gangs with semi automatics and assault riffles ready to go to war, so no Chicago ain't Vietnam its worse. Kids are dying like everyday in these streets so its bad around here but its never gonna stop. {PEACE }

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