Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Response to brittanys question by Jonathan

Its hard to define someone elses enviornment as acceptable or unacceptable. in the book i am reading, Stranger than Fiction, the author describes enviornments and sub-cultures that people outside of think are completley unacceptable but the members see as normal. I would not neccisarily say that the boys in Our Americas living conditions are unacceptable unless they are making it that way. Also that poses a another question. Are people products of their enviornment or are enviornments products of the people who live there?

Its interesting to hear the projects of chicago being compared to vietnam. You often hear in movies or on the news about certain areas being described as "like a war zone" but do not fully understand what that means. When i hear that term, i think of fear and violence and poverty, and when its applied to a place so close to home it is actually an uncomfotable thought.

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