Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Presenting Abortion at Marian

While a student at Marian Catholic I was asked to present information to my religion class concerning the negative aspects of abortion. I was very nervous about standing up in front of the class and telling them about something that I do not believe in. My goal was to show the class the negative part of abortion and to convince them that it isn’t right to kill an innocent child. I began to grab their attention by getting up and yelling “What would we do if your mother hadn’t given you life?” Everyone just stared at me like I was crazy! I then began to tell the class the definition of abortion and what exactly happens when an abortion takes place.
As a presenter I was nervous and worried that no one would enjoy my presentation on abortions. I was uncomfortable presenting a topic that has such controversy in America today. I was worried that my grade might go down because I disagreed so strongly with the topic and that I didn’t have a problem expressing how I felt concerning it. The response I received was actually a positive one. Many students agreed with me about the way I felt and there were some that disagreed. The grade that I received was a good one because I kept the audience interested in what I was talking about and because I really was passionate about my topic.
After I was done presenting, I learned not to be so hard on myself, if I really am passionate about a subject and feel strongly about something that I have to present, I should just be honest and say how I feel. I learned that honesty is the best way to keep someone’s attention, along with making them laugh!

1 comment:

>"NANDO"< said...

Thats good you expressed yourself the way you did i like that, you ain't afraid to stand up for the topic your speaking about. To talk about the subject the way you did that shows that you got some mad confidence in what you speaking. You're right does flow with it and express your self as positive as you can. Thats great that you had them thinking right away about how would it be like if they were never born.