Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Level of interest

Through out my high school career I've been expected to give many presentations. Whether it being a PowerPoint, or reading from notes. I was give the duty of informing my fellow classmates on a subject in which I chose to research. my goal and purpose of giving these presentations were to bring more knowledge to the students, and to make it enjoyable to listen. Every presentation I've given has been applauded. But that doesn't mean people liked it, or were even listening. I can honestly say at least 2 of my presentations have been enjoyable.
Through out the years of giving these presentations I've learned a few things. Such as, always try to grad the audiences attention. You have to hook them, and make them interested. Also, you need to know your facts, this will make you prepared for someone to ask you questions. Speak loudly and clearly so that you can get the attention your presentation deserves. And the final thing I've learned is to have fun with it. If your not enjoying what your presenting then the audience is not going to.

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