Tuesday, July 22, 2008

my own way to lecture.

In high school i was required to take a speech class. i dreaded this. i absoulutley hated public speaking. not necessarily all public speaking, but the idea of throwing out information that i really had no idea about to people i completley did not know just made me really nervous. i myself do not want to listen to a speech delivered by some nervous jittery high school kid. i really needed this credit so i decided i had to get over this one way or another. i was really racking my brain on this one. what could i do? the first day of i had to stand in the front of the class and give an impropmtu speech about, i dont know, my favorite athlete or something. this was a disaster. the next day of class i decided to go talk with the speech teacher. i asked her if i could bring in props for my speeches. she agreed, she was very understanding about this "fear of public speaking". for my next speech i chose the topic of water skiing. a sport i had participated in all my life. i brought in a sololum ski, a rope, life jacket, and one of those inflateable kiddy pools, and demonstarted how to master a sololum course. wearing a goofy life vest and water skis in the middle of the class room really calmed me down. all of my peers had a good laugh about this and actually seemed decentley interested. i guess every one has there own way of telling a story or teaching new things to others, i found this was the best way for me. -jonathan

1 comment:

Julian said...

This was fairly funny. I liked how you used humor to turn a dull lecture into a entertaining.