Monday, July 28, 2008

Abusive fathers are broad topics...aren't they?

Eustace's father's behavior towards him is unacceptable. Waking up a child for mere humilition shows that Eustace Sr. was driven in his determination to break Eustace to mold him into the image that he had for his son. My father can be abrasive, but nowhere near abusive. I think that I would attempt to make the best out the situation concerning abusive fathers. Although the relationship would have possible traumatizing effects, I would attempt to carve another path for myself and my future.

Because Eustace grew up to mirror his father's actions (although not as intense), he still reflected the abuse of that house. If I were to be treated that way, I would first examine my father's reasons for the abuse, examine myself (personality, mental health, ect.) and change my circumstances as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Mansfield M said...

One would take on personal mental scars from an abusive father. It does not mean that he will become him though. I have known people who completely sear clear from their fathers in hope to not become like them. Not saying that it does not bother them but they learn to deal with it their own way.