Monday, August 4, 2008

Reply to Niks question by Jonathan

Reading the book Stranger than Fiction has actually sparked my interest in alot of things, some directly related to the book and some things that branch off of the main subjects of the stories. Reading about demolition derbys made me want to give driving a combine machine a shot, and reading Julliette Lewis's section made me want to listen to her (probablly crappy) band. Thats what so great about this book, the topics are so random that they give you this curiosity about other completley obscure subjects. I think it is definetley worth delving into odd topics just to learn something new.

One of my biggest hobbies is just going on the internet, google or wikipedia, and just reading about a complete random topic. And not only one topic but expandiong from there. Sometimes even clicking blindly on links and reading the information presented. It is a great way to learn something new.

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