Monday, August 4, 2008

The One Crazy Man

I have encountered many people who seemed one way on the outside but were a totally different person underneath. The one person that I met who seemed to me as a crazy person was my ex-boyfriend. He was so sweet when we first met and treated me real well, then things began to change. He first started to yell over little things like food and then when we would get into an argument he would throw things like a little kid. I then began to feel kind of scared so I immediately thought to get out of this relationship. When I tried to break up with him in a nice way he grabbed me and told me no, then started to cry and begged me to stay. Like an idiot I stayed. After all of that he started acting crazy again and decided to try to hit me. That was the end.

I got out of that relationship as quickly as possible! I broke up with him so quick he didn't know what happened! I think that I handled that situation very well I think. There were things that I could have done better like immediately leave out of the relationship or never have entered into it in the first place.

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