Thursday, August 7, 2008

Its All About Respect

I learned from bridge there will always be room for improvement. Even with a debilitating illness I would still try to make an impact on society. I would run my track all the way to the point where I could not do no more. Even thought my decreased detail would not show signs of improvement I know it will show motivation. Motivation was another key factor I learned from bridge.
I would do it for myself but I would do it more for the people. I would like to inspire them and show them the motivation I had for my work. I wouldn’t want to be remembered as “oh that’s the guy who gave up” I want to be remembered as “oh that’s the guy who gave it all he got all right up until he died” the respect you for that. Picasso was depressed but we respect his art for was and we respect him for not giving up. Van Goh went insane but we respect him for the are he accomplished in his times of insanity. That’s my point.
This is a really good question. you coverd the aspects of the question from all angles and aloud indepth thinking. this is the longest post i wrote so far because you had such good questions it aloud my mind to keep thinking and free slowing ideas.

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