Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jonathans letter to Marilyn Manson

Dear Marilyn Manson,
I really enjoyed reading the chapter documenting your interview in Chuck Palahniuks book Stranger Than Fiction: Though, personally i think your music sucks. I dont know, the whole noise metal with the airy overdistorted guitars and the techno cathedral synth sound doesent really do it for me. I dont mean to be so harsh. I did like that "Beautiful People" song, really kind of catchy in a weird way. Oh and your videos scare the hell out of me, and I like that, there all pretty cool. But anyway, like i was saying, your chapter in Chucks book was very ineresting. It gave a look into the life that not alot of people now about besides for your music and videos. I thought it was cool that your into tarot cards and collecting skelotons. Im looking for a hobbie or to start a collection, what would you recomend? Possibley something as weird as your collections or even weirder, do you have anything in mind? I know that you try to send a message to the world about being an individual, that its ok to be weird. what personal advice do you have for me, such as if i have a message that i want to get out to the people of the world, by what means should i go about doing it?
Thanks Marilyn,
your friend --- Jonathan

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