Thursday, August 7, 2008

Music Makes You Think

The question you raise is very clear and thought out and really makes you think. If Chuck was in on the lecture he would have realized how similar he is to people like Elvis, by how Elvis got some of his singing style from gospel music just like how Chuck gets ideas from the people he interviews. He would have also been taken by the the different ways people sing the same song in a different style.

I think black music is pretty much what got music started in the first place and got it were it is today. If we didn't have black music a lot of songs would all sound the same and we would have a limited amount of genres and styles. People would all think the same and have the same opinion, even though some music put not the best thoughts in peoples heads it helps balance out how people think. And if we all thought the same way life would go nowhere and also get pretty boring, pretty fast.

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