Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Look ahead" answer and comments

I think that when you are stating that everyone has to start somewhere and that we have to shape our ideas like the artists had to do in the museum. To get a better understanding of what you are trying to ask, you should put something in your question about the struggles that everyone has to go through to get to that point. It's not easy to be a succesful artist and what kind of things do you need to do to become succesful?

To answer your question, I see myself in 10 years with a steady career. I want to be stable with a clear understanding of what I am doing with my life and just to be happy. I can't say that I know what kind of career i'll be in, since I am just starting the college experiences I am sure things will change along way but I am working on figuring out what things really make me happy.

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