Wednesday, August 13, 2008

letter to chuck

Dear Chuck,

Hows it been. iv'e just finished your book stranger than fiction and i thought it was a interesting book. Some of the chapters i could relate to in a way. But i was curious on how you found that place you described in your first chapter 'Testy festy". What made you want to go there or did you happen to stumble on it and say i could write about this. I also would like to know if you plan on writting another book similiar to this book that i read. I plan on reading more books that you have authored. Is there any recomadations you have for me?

Your pal,

1 comment:

samanthag said...

I wanted to write about the Testy Festy because it is something you don't hear anything about. It's not a normal thing to join and it will make most people rather uncomfortable being there so that's why I wrote it. It's about getting a reaction out of the reader and make them think. Going to all these crazy and out of the oridnary places put you in someone shoes that you most likely have never lived.