Wednesday, August 13, 2008

to eustace

Dear Eustace,

I was wondering about your main inspiration toward adventuring out into the wilderness. I know that your mother had a great deal to do with it but I was wondering if there was something deeper. Is there a main purpose to why you did that? Anyway I enjoyed reading the las american man. It taught me that there is something more beyond general society, wether its getting in touch with yourself or nature. It has inspired me to be more creative compared to the ways you use all of your resources. It taught me that determination is a key factor in success and that if you have a dream you should continue to pursue it until it is complete. This satisfaction is like no other, especially if it is aknowledgable. You have also taught me to love what I have and cherish it for it is. What I have is what I grew up on and I shall always remember my roots and what led me to where I am today.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I think you asked good questions. I too wonder if theres anything "deeper." I like how you explained why you liked reading the book, and waht your views were about not only the book but personal.