Monday, August 4, 2008

poor judgment

In my book The Last American Man i would deffinately say that my character is misunderstood. At the same time he does not conform, he is in his own world out in the wilderness. He is in a group of his own that i am sure many people would find strange and out of the norm. Sometimes you just have to be yourself and to be yourself is all that you can do. If your not accepted for who you are then a friendship is not even worth it.
I have been in a position where i was not accepted for who i was in middle school. There were the so called "popular" kids. As i started to talk to them they all seemed actually very cool but as time went on i knew that i didnt fit in with them. Either they judged me too quick or they just didnt like my personality. The point is, is that you have to give everyone a chance. Maybe some people arent good at making friends quickly and if you take the time to get to know them better maybe they could see the real you and befriend you.

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