Monday, August 4, 2008

My Curiosity...

While reading Our America, I have read a couple of things that I wanted to hear more about. For example when Lloyd talks about his father and his mother's life and his father stated that he wanted to go into rehab. I wanted to know if he ever did, how his sisters really live a life while raising those children.
I often hear or see things that I want to know more about. I want to learn things and I don't think that my curiosity has a negative effect on my life. If anything I think that my curiosity has a positive effect because when I want to learn more I do and then I end up having a better understanding of certain things and as my uncle says I seem "wise beyond my years."
There are many times when I feel that the things I want to hear more about are just things that I'm being nosy about (which is kind of genetic because my grandmother is a very nosy woman). When I feel this way, sometimes I decide that I don't need to try to dig deeper and sometimes it motivates me to want to know more.

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