Monday, August 4, 2008

Only God can judge me!

My characters Lloyd and LeAlan are judged every day. When you tell someone you are from the projects they automatically draw up accusations in their head about you. They think you steal, or have no education, sell drugs, and are very poor. My characters face this everyday from the outside world dealing with their world living in the projects.
I think everyone not just me is judged. The first seven seconds you meet a person they already have an oppion in their head of what they think of you. I am judged because I am not quick to speak out. I let people talk and show me who they are first and if I feel comfortable then I talk and engage in conversation. Most people think I'm mean or stuck up but I'm not I'm actually waiting for people to show me theirselves. I wait to see who I am dealing with. You shouldn't speak so soon in certain situations so I wait my turn.

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