Monday, August 4, 2008

changing views

For example i do think that there were instances in my book where it cut short and i needed to know. Sometimes this can be the point to the passage and sometimes you may feel the need to know. At one point you may figure it out or not at all. It is all how you intereperet and engaged you are in the book.
One part in the book that struck me was when Eustace talked to the crack dealer. For some reason this really intreauged me and i wanted to know more. He came into the city to talk about himself and his ways. As he approached a crack dealer, he completly turned his mind around. The dealer comented on his shirt by saying "where did you get that". And Eustace said that he made it and that he could teach him how to make one as well. This made me think, what was going to come out of this. Would a crack dealer really go out into the wilderness from his city life with Eustace, and was he that interested that he would actually go do it.

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