Monday, August 4, 2008

Misunderstood & Out Of Place

My characters in the book Our America is always misunderstood because of the environment they grow up in and how they talk in a certain language that most people made not understand. But if they got to know the real them, they would know that they are great people to be around them. Everyone gets misunderstood because of where they are coming from, how they behave, or how they look.

I always get misunderstood when I'm with my family or with my friends. My friends act crazy and say weird stuff but that is not who I am inside. Or when I with my family they look different than what I look like and I'm always judge because of it. I don't act like my family wants me and act myself when I'm with my friends. But just because I've hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean I'm probe to what are like. I'm my own person and I think society needs to stop make decisions over us.

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