Monday, August 4, 2008

Fork in the Road

I am reading the same book Stranger Than Fiction and I totally agree that while reading the book it some times makes you want to wonder why people do the things they do. Like the castle builds and how they dropped every thing and chose to build castles for a living and I ask my self why would you change your life around to build castles? Then I read further into the love they have for castles and how they have wanted to do since they were a kid.
There have been times in my life when things have spiked my curiosity in things like film and cameras and when I started watching more films and shot more with my camera I realized that I really liked it and if it wasn't for diving in further with that I would have not know what I have been missing. But there have been times when I have looked farther in to music and I learned that it was not my thing.

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