Monday, August 4, 2008

Reply to Toms question by Jonathan

The charecters in Stranger than fiction are pretty out there and anyone could see how they could be misjudged of misunderstood in todays society. Take for example the steriod users or the castle builders, there hobbies are clearley abnormal. Its easy for people outside of a certain group to label something as weird. Misunderstanding is a common place, i myself judge things as weird everyday, but i am working on seeing things through before i make assumptions.

I dont know if I have everbeen seen as strange because of a group i have belonged to, but i have made those kind assumptions about other poeple. When I was young, maybe seventh or eighth grade I went to visit my sister at school in nebraska. While visting i ran into a large group of Amish people at beach. Being from Chicago i had never seen peopl elike this, i was quick to turn to my sister and say "why are they dressed like that?" and "they are wierd". I quickly changed my mind after talking with a kid my age who wasent so weird after all. On this day I learned not to judge a book by its cover.

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