Monday, August 4, 2008

problems with the ladies (nick ques.)

It wouldn’t be something very odd in The Last American Man I would like to explore. It would be something simple like why does Eustace have trouble with women. I mean these so called beautiful women are throwing themselves at him and he really does doesn’t recognize it. I can’t understand why he makes these women suffer while he doesn’t really care. I think its does odd that he doesn’t really take time to really like these girls. He goes thru them like a new pare of shoes each month without taking care of them.

Yes sometimes I does let things go why get into it but if it’s interesting I’ll do what ever to figure the thing that got me curious. Sometimes I’ll think about and be like damn what really happen back then. Then I will think about the whole day trying to figure it out. Then I’ll get really pissed off if I don’t figure out about the thing that got me curious.

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