Monday, August 4, 2008

People's Judgments

In the book Our America, both LeAlan and Lloyd are judged by society. In society's mind these two young men are destined to be failures. Living in the disadvantaged homes that they live in, both of these young men are destined to not be successful. Living in the projects period was part of the problem. Because both of they young men live in the projects and experience the things that they experience they are in a way judged. For example, LeAlan says that most people don't know that young people in the projects are smart. They in a way expect for they young people living there not to be smart.
I have been judged all my life. As a young girl in grade school, because my mother worked at my school many teachers and students assumed that I recieved special treatment because of my mothers position. I never was given special treatment. In a way I was treated horribly because my mother worked at the school. Many times I am automatically assumed ignorant or ghetto because of the color of my skin. I have encountered many people who approach me the wrong way talking all sorts of ways which make no sense to me just because I'm black. After I open my mouth and speak the way I do then that person's who demeanor changes.

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