Monday, August 4, 2008

Ist grade friend

I have met many people like this. Most of the time they are the people you meet in a new environment, in which case they may get too comfortable too quick. One person that i met in the first grade was named vincent. At the time he came off as a really caring person always sharing. At this point in first grade sharing was a big thing so i thought of it as a caring gesture.

I began to know him better each and every day as did my other friends. One weekend he called me up and asked me if i wanted to come by his house and play some cool new video game. This really got my attention and so i made a trip over there. As we started playing this game, he almost became a two-face. He started screaming at me and telling me i was being unfair. i told him i didnt know what he was talking about and as i tried to explain myself he pushed me. So in my defence i pushed him back as we got into a squabble. I stopped hanging around him because i could not tollerate the real person that he was on the inside. At this point i was the only one to hang oiut with him alone and nobody else beleived what i had to say about him.

1 comment:

Tyler Flynn Dorholt said...

Quite wild how people remain this way in small doses, especially if they have been carrying around these underskin affairs for years.