Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Respones to samantha+mansfield by Jonathan

I am constantley being inspired by movies i watch, film is one of my biggest hobbies. Just watching movies and comparing directors and styles and cinematography, talking with friends about there favorite movies and why. One movie i recently watched that really inspired me was a flic called "Catch Me if You Can".
This movie was based on a true storie about a con artist who would pull off these intricate schemes such as posing as an off-duty airline pilot to catch free flights where ever he wanted to go, a head doctor of a hospital, and a gambler. Although most of these impersonations were crimainal acts, they inspired me to do something dangerous and adventerous. The concept of going somewhere that no one knows who you are and creating a whole new persona is unbelievable. I think anyone who watches this movie would feel the same way, the want to break free and do something adventerous.

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