Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Lastest My Greatest Inspiration!

The last movie that I have seen was Hancock. It was not that inspiring. Good though! I have not really seen a good inspiring movie lately, what's up with that? I think I'm in need of one but the last one that I have seen was probably a while back. I think that it was Pay It Foward about a young boy who decides to help three people and he encourgages those three people to help three more people and pay it foward. It was a really good movie. I cried!
I think others can be inspired by this movie as well because of the plot behind it was so good. This movie makes you want to pay it foward and try to change the world one person at a time. I really recommend this movie if you haven't seen and if you have then you would probably agree with how I feel about this film.

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