Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Letter To Lloyd

Dear Lloyd,

I'm a reader of your book Our America, and I was glad you and LeAlan told a story about a side of ghetto that nobody wants to talk about. I had so many friends who came from rough neighborhood and they have a difficult time struggle to survive. After see everything that had happen in your neighborhood and see what it could do to people. How do you stay positive during the time you were growing up? Do you think the experience you have learn change your attitude about life. You and LeAlan were lucky enough to get a chance to interview so many people including Eric Morse's mother and brother about killing of Eric and the people who had done it. Were you nervous about interview them? You also had a chance to interview your family and your dad had left a message about his struggle. Were you surprise to heard him talk about his goals and hope he would be a better dad to you and your sister? Was it difficult to get so many different response about people life in the ghetto? I know I would be nervous interview so many people and want to either agree or disagree with them. I have face so many difficult struggle in life growing up especially moving so many time that I never had a stable home. There was so many tragic moments in my life. But I would also wonder what would happen if you have never got the opportunity to do a radio show about your life. If you life would ever be the same doing this? Thanks for writing a great book about life in the ghetto. I hope more people would read your book.
Hope to heard from you soon,

1 comment:

Britt said...

Hello Stephanie,

I'm glad you liked my book. I just wanted to respond to your letter. I stayed positive because I had great friends like LeAlan. Yes my experience that I had did change the way that I viewed life. If I hadn't done this I probably would have only seen the negative side of the Ida Bees. of course I was nervous about interviewing those people, i could've been killed doing this! I was suprised by my father's response. I'm glad that you enjoyed the book again.

