The Charecters in the book Stranger than Fiction, are interviewed for the stories simply beacuase they themselves are stranger than fiction. Sex deviants, amatuer wrestlers, Steroid users, and animal suit wearing tourists. Each group of people, completley a breed of their own.
Reading about these people makes you look at yourself and try to see what you are as a person or what kind of group you should fit into. While reading you say, " what do i do?" and "am I strange?".
Personally, I always try to be open minded and respectful to people. I am amazed by differences in cultures and intrigued by vocal accents people wear pertaining to what region or country they are from. So, meating anyone who is "strange" is like a treat to me, to be able to learn about different kinds of people is amazing. It makes me stop and wonder what ordinary means, and if its possible for someone to be ordinary.
i absolutely agree, but in this instance nobody can been normal, to me there is no such thing. Everyone is different in their own ways and probably contain many talents. thats why today unfair judgement is such wrong way of looking at people. u put it best as to say that there are a lot of cool "weird" people.
I could agree with you because I think people judge too quickly about a person. Being unique is great thing about a person.It not about how they look, it is about who u are in the inside.
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