I wouldn't say my characters in particular are very different from people you see today. However, one character Eustace Conway is very different from a lot of people I see everyday. Especially walking down the streets of Chicago. Eustace Conway would probably have a heart attack. He lives in the wild, kills and cooks his own food, builds his own housing, etc... You don't typically see a man like Eustace in the big city, nor have I ever met a man like himself. If he were to walk the streets of downtown Chicago, it would be a completely different atmosphere than walking down a path a Turtle reserve.
To answer your second question, no I wouldn't act different in front of my friends, or Eustace to impress either one of them. I would be myself, I am who I choose to be. I wouldn't want to change who I am as a person to impress my friends, or Eustace. Both people should like me for who I am, even though I'm not into killing my own meal, and building a place to sleep for the night, I could learn from Eustace with out changing. And that is what Eustace likes to do, teach. For my friends it would be the same way, just because I'm not into what they are doing, doesn't mean I cant learn how to do it or even how to deal with it.
would you try to change your character if he was around your friends? and would you let him know how to do things differently just like the way he is trying to change people?
I understand beacuse u don't have to change just to try to fit in. I wouldn't change myself just to try to fit in a certain group.
To answer martins question, no i wouldnt change my character. I would show him how i did things, and by he would be more than welcome to change if he wanted to. What he wants to do is his choice.
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