Monday, July 28, 2008

Luke, I am your father.

I would have to make the best of the situation if I had a bad father. That my dad most importantly its family. I would try to get out of the situation as soon as possible. If there was no other option I would just deal with it. I wouldn’t have any other choice honesty.
No I wouldn’t look up to him. I would probably go home to my dad and deal with him but that’s about it. I would know not what to become. I believe I will strive to avoid becoming who he is. They shouldn’t force things on to their kid if they don’t enjoy it.


Julian said...

Your outlook on Eustace's situation is very positive. But when an elder adult figue is abusive to a younger person, the damage is something you can't ignore. The abusive may have psychological effects upon the person which may not reveal themselves until later on in life

>"NANDO"< said...

You right man you does have to deal with the situation. There is nothing you can do but does hope it ends.I would do the same thing and know what not to become and become a better father to my kids.