Thursday, July 31, 2008
Julian's Discussion Question for 8/4
In "The Last American Man" one of many of Eustace Conway's girlfriends describes him as "overwhelming and powerful". This description is almost equivalent of a bully or a dictator. Who have you encountered in your life to ge "overwhelming and powerful"? Where they like Eustace; sweet and gentle on the surface, but arrogant and crude underneath? How did you handle the situation?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Judgement Day
some of the characters from my book are judged by what they believe in and what kind of actions they respond to. There life styles may be judged because this might not be everyday life for some people and might not be open with other lifestyles. All of my friends have an idea of who I want to be based on my rootstock's and personality. I think i set a clear message of who I honestly am and what motivates me to do what I want to do.
I've never been judged in a way that has really affected me. I never take to heart what a person might think of me, because i know who i am as a person. That's what people do these days, they always have to add their piece on somebody even if they don't know the person personally.
I've never been judged in a way that has really affected me. I never take to heart what a person might think of me, because i know who i am as a person. That's what people do these days, they always have to add their piece on somebody even if they don't know the person personally.
Tom's Discussion Question for 8/4
In the book Stranger Than Fiction Chuck interviews people in different social groups that may seem misunderstood. In your book is your main character misunderstood or in group that others may find strange? Also have you ever been seen in a group that may have gave people the wrong impression of you?
Nik's Discussion Question Thursday 7/31
In Stranger Than Fiction, Chuck Palahniuk seems to be curious about abnormal things that go around him and his community. Palahniuk seems to ask questions about odd circumstances, he is just interested. Have you ever read something in your book that makes you want to dig deeper on something odd going on? Have you ever felt that the things that peak your curiosity is something that is just not worth looking further into? Does it affect your life to the extent of really figuring it out?
Tom & Mansfield
(Mansfield) I don’t have any siblings so finding someone that would compare to a brother or sister to me would be pretty special. I have a lot of cousins and we always had a close bond somewhat. We all understand when our parents go away we will be the only family left. With that in our minds we know we have to stick together no matter what. So I would consider them my brothers and sisters friends and family.
(Tom) I also have no siblings but when my friend’s dad died from ALS I started hanging out with him every Saturday. Even though I could not even imagine how he feels every day, but I try to keep his mind off the subjects of fathers and what he use to do with his dad. The day he had his lost hemay have lost his dad but he gained a “brother.”
(Tom) I also have no siblings but when my friend’s dad died from ALS I started hanging out with him every Saturday. Even though I could not even imagine how he feels every day, but I try to keep his mind off the subjects of fathers and what he use to do with his dad. The day he had his lost hemay have lost his dad but he gained a “brother.”
Friends as Family-Nando and Julian
Eustace doesn't seem to have any one to relate to on such a personal level with people when it comes to family members. Since he lives alone, his only significant family members would be the wilderness, the animals, and nature. He does not relate to people that way, we see this when the author explains that Eustace has girlfriends on and off.
My closest friend who would see like a family member would my old friend from high school that I've known for at least 2 years. Nando's friends Shane and Frank he has known since he was in 6th grade. They conversate all the time because they live in the surburbs while Nando lives in the city. They all have interest in music and they all have strong bonds in brotherhood.
My closest friend who would see like a family member would my old friend from high school that I've known for at least 2 years. Nando's friends Shane and Frank he has known since he was in 6th grade. They conversate all the time because they live in the surburbs while Nando lives in the city. They all have interest in music and they all have strong bonds in brotherhood.
Samantha and Jonathan's response to Stephanie
If we saw someone participating in an illegal activity and they were just causing harm to only themselves we would leave it alone. It's their business and they can deal with it since they put it upon themselves. It would be different if it was being directed towards someone else. An unwilling bystander who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time then we would try and help. Not necessarily stop it ourselves but go and try to find help.
It would change the situation if it was a close friend. We wouldn't go out and find help we would confront them right away since we care about their well being. It doesn't make you a bad friend, it shows that you are there for them even through the rough times. In one of the chapters in our book the animal suite experiment they were facing a tough situation by being harassed by the towns people but just shook it off because it was nothing to get heated about. They understood the ignorance of the people and why they accept them. There was a positive outcome because they learned so much and used it in a positive way.
It would change the situation if it was a close friend. We wouldn't go out and find help we would confront them right away since we care about their well being. It doesn't make you a bad friend, it shows that you are there for them even through the rough times. In one of the chapters in our book the animal suite experiment they were facing a tough situation by being harassed by the towns people but just shook it off because it was nothing to get heated about. They understood the ignorance of the people and why they accept them. There was a positive outcome because they learned so much and used it in a positive way.
Martins response
For me, I personally would not rat my close friends out right away. I would try to help them myself first because I know that they do trust me. If it is a serious problem then i would, without a doubt, find anyway to help them. I have had instances where my friends were really in need of help. Unfortunately i could not fulfill as much effort that was needed so i got them proffesional help.
It did have a short effect on our relationship but the way we are together we always forgive and forget. Nothing can come between our friendship. Everyone is consistant and wants to be around each other. They may not always admit it because they can be stubborn sometimes, but everyone cares about each other very much. Within all of my friends, i have a special relationship with all of them and each one somthing different. All of us as whole, do get along nicely. It is hard when you are in a big group of friends and cant share everything all the time with them becasue there just isnt enough time to discuss everything. But in short this explains my satisfaction toward my friends, and a "second family", knowing that if they are ever in trouble i will always be there just like my own family.
It did have a short effect on our relationship but the way we are together we always forgive and forget. Nothing can come between our friendship. Everyone is consistant and wants to be around each other. They may not always admit it because they can be stubborn sometimes, but everyone cares about each other very much. Within all of my friends, i have a special relationship with all of them and each one somthing different. All of us as whole, do get along nicely. It is hard when you are in a big group of friends and cant share everything all the time with them becasue there just isnt enough time to discuss everything. But in short this explains my satisfaction toward my friends, and a "second family", knowing that if they are ever in trouble i will always be there just like my own family.
Mansfield & Tom
Mansfield (me) and Tom had similar beliefs. We believe that it’s ok to confront a friend who is doing something wrong. The most we will do is confront them. We would let them understand that it is their life they are corruption but we will take no further action then that. It is their life. If it was a life or death situation we would do what we can to intervene. Other than that we respect space.
In the book our America it was surprising to see that Lloyd would confront his friend about drug dealing. It really put him on a good guy’s point of view in my eyes. Tom believes he is taking the safer way out by going out on the street and providing for his family as well as his own life. Tom does not support what he is doing but it’s a way for him to get by in that society with the mentality they he will only live ten more years.
In the book our America it was surprising to see that Lloyd would confront his friend about drug dealing. It really put him on a good guy’s point of view in my eyes. Tom believes he is taking the safer way out by going out on the street and providing for his family as well as his own life. Tom does not support what he is doing but it’s a way for him to get by in that society with the mentality they he will only live ten more years.
Brittany and Kayla's response to Stephanie
Brittany and Kayla both have similar views about telling on a friend. We both feel that it depends on the situation if we should or should not tell on a friend. For example, if you're telling on a friend to help them or because you're afraid about their health then it's OK for you to tell, but if you're telling on your friend because she stole a piece of bubble gum or something silly like that then it's kind of pointless. If you tell on a friend you're not a bad person, just concerned.
We both had similar stories about a friend who was hurting them self and we told about the situation because we were concerned about their health. With Brittany, she told a teacher at school and Kayla told a church leader. We both were worried about our friends and wanted to make sure that they were OK, not just so they would be around for us, but so that they could continue to live their lives.
Both of our characters have been judged. Kayla's character has been judged by his father and Brittany's character hasn't been judged specifically but there has been a general judgment on his community. In Brittany's book everyone that lives in the ghetto is sometimes considered ignorant. In Kayla's book, her character's father judged him because his father was really good at math and other things and he wasn't. The main character instead wanted to live in the wilderness and do other things and the father would judge him, call him stupid, and embarass him in front of the family. The outcome from Kayla's book would be that her main character did what he wanted to do and he became very successful despite what he'd been through and was a honor student in college and made lots of money. Brittany's characters both showed the world through their interviews that not all young people in the hood are ingnorant and that they were very smart. She's sure that her characters have made lots of money through the publishing of this book Our America.
We both had similar stories about a friend who was hurting them self and we told about the situation because we were concerned about their health. With Brittany, she told a teacher at school and Kayla told a church leader. We both were worried about our friends and wanted to make sure that they were OK, not just so they would be around for us, but so that they could continue to live their lives.
Both of our characters have been judged. Kayla's character has been judged by his father and Brittany's character hasn't been judged specifically but there has been a general judgment on his community. In Brittany's book everyone that lives in the ghetto is sometimes considered ignorant. In Kayla's book, her character's father judged him because his father was really good at math and other things and he wasn't. The main character instead wanted to live in the wilderness and do other things and the father would judge him, call him stupid, and embarass him in front of the family. The outcome from Kayla's book would be that her main character did what he wanted to do and he became very successful despite what he'd been through and was a honor student in college and made lots of money. Brittany's characters both showed the world through their interviews that not all young people in the hood are ingnorant and that they were very smart. She's sure that her characters have made lots of money through the publishing of this book Our America.
Should I Tell-Julian and Nando
It depends upon the emergency of the situation. If the person will be affected in a negative way, then the family or authoritative figure must be notified. If the activities that this person divulges into is dangerous to him or her self, then someone must be told about that. But there are certain cases where a person is involved is something wrong and the situation isn't any business of yours, in this situation, nothing can be done.
In terms of personal experiences, you don't rat on your friends, only if the person's life was in jeopardy. There is a bond of loyalty between friends and some things ought to be kept in private out of respect for that person's business. Nosing about and telling everyone could only worsen the situation. Eustace Conway, fortunately, does not have to worry about ratting anyone because of his ego is always interrupting the relationships that he tries to build.
In terms of personal experiences, you don't rat on your friends, only if the person's life was in jeopardy. There is a bond of loyalty between friends and some things ought to be kept in private out of respect for that person's business. Nosing about and telling everyone could only worsen the situation. Eustace Conway, fortunately, does not have to worry about ratting anyone because of his ego is always interrupting the relationships that he tries to build.
Our Best Friends-Brittany and Kayla
In Brittany's book, Our America, Lloyd sees LeAlan as a brother. This is different from Kayla's book, The Last American Man, where her main character doesn't really have anyone to relate to as a family member other than animals. Each of our main characters have different stories which make them unique in their own way.
Both of us have friends that we consider family in each of our lives. For Brittany, she sees her best friend Alexzandra as her sister. She can talk to pumpkin about anything and she is always there for her when she needs her. Kayla, like Brittany, sees her best friend Samantha as her sister. Samantha use to live with Kayla, which means they spent A LOT of time together! Brittany and Kayla both have friends which they see as sisters which is really cool in its own way!
Both of us have friends that we consider family in each of our lives. For Brittany, she sees her best friend Alexzandra as her sister. She can talk to pumpkin about anything and she is always there for her when she needs her. Kayla, like Brittany, sees her best friend Samantha as her sister. Samantha use to live with Kayla, which means they spent A LOT of time together! Brittany and Kayla both have friends which they see as sisters which is really cool in its own way!
A second family: Martin & Stephanie
For the both of us our friends are like second families. They are all really close and we see them everyday just like a family. For me its hard to stay apart from them as my family for long periods of time. For her her friends are more like a family than her actual family making them even closer. Both of us hang out with are friends, help each other out, and are always there for each other. We make it a strong task to see them as much as possible. The ties between the friendships are strong and powerful.
All things she does with her friends consist of seeing movies together, they always have a destination when driving together, and write stories together. As for me, my friends and I hang out and enjoy each others company, drive aimlessly, and go to concerts. If we were to relate the characters in our book to a family member it would work out. She relates her sister to LeAllen in the sense that she always speaks her mind and she also works out her problems. I could relate my father to Eustace because of his hard working attitude and great mindset, always giving the best effort toward his goals and his ambition to never give up on anything. We both need and want to keep our friends as long as we can to help create change with and within them.
All things she does with her friends consist of seeing movies together, they always have a destination when driving together, and write stories together. As for me, my friends and I hang out and enjoy each others company, drive aimlessly, and go to concerts. If we were to relate the characters in our book to a family member it would work out. She relates her sister to LeAllen in the sense that she always speaks her mind and she also works out her problems. I could relate my father to Eustace because of his hard working attitude and great mindset, always giving the best effort toward his goals and his ambition to never give up on anything. We both need and want to keep our friends as long as we can to help create change with and within them.
Samantha & Jonathans response to Mansfield
We all members of are family who are considered the black sheep, similar to the off beat characters in Stranger than Fiction. They don't have a certain connection with any members of the family but are accepted by them anyway. Such as the wrestlers in chapter two who's certain family members didn't approve of what they were doing but stayed supportive. Author Chuck Palahniuk seems to be the back sheep himself, he does seem to have any strong connections with anyone besides his writing. His friends are simply there for an influential purpose for his stories.
All of our friends are considered family, some of them are closer to us than our actual family members. They are all going through the same experiences as our selves, some experiences that our families could not relate to. Just like the characters in the book took comfort in the people that were involved in the same interests or have the same problems as themselves. We all come from different family upbringings but we come together and share a bond because of a common ground.
All of our friends are considered family, some of them are closer to us than our actual family members. They are all going through the same experiences as our selves, some experiences that our families could not relate to. Just like the characters in the book took comfort in the people that were involved in the same interests or have the same problems as themselves. We all come from different family upbringings but we come together and share a bond because of a common ground.
Kaylas discussion question for 7/31
In the book The last American Man, people have a hard time accepting/understanding how Eustace Conway chooses to live. He has been judge his whole life. Does your character(s) face these issues? How are your characters judged? In general, do people have a hard time understanding who you are or want to be? How have you been judged in the past?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
ghosts ARE real
Chuck's "deluted" friend, thinks that there is a ghost in his house called the lady. He his convinced for sure that his house is haunted. He thinks that his friend is just trying to get attention and that he's "crying wolf" . There are people like this who do try to find the most ridiculous things to get the attention on themselves. That they have some sort of issue with themselves, that's the only way to feel good about themselves by starving for some sort of attention. It's hard to say that this "lady" ghost is real but that you would like to believe something your friend says but it's hard when they keep trying and trying to get anyones attention. When you can see right through someones insecurities and they don't realize how desperate they seem. It would be hard to believe anything that person says, always taking everything with a grain of salt.
I know that my friends in town would pretend to believe him, and go along with his story just because they are nice people and wouldn't want to seem rude to this person. Some may believe him just since we really would have no reason not too. I know I would believe him. This may sound crazy to you but I have had a ghost/spirit experience, and it was the most terrifying experience I have ever had. It still gives me the chills when I think about it. So if I were to ever come across this person I would believe him in a heart beat. If it was a different situation that he was trying to get attention with I know that my guards would be up and really deciding what I would think is true.
7/30/08 Mansfield's Discussion Question
In the book "Our America" Lloyd sees Le Alan as a brother figure. Does the main character in your book Relate with anyone as a significant family member? Why? Do you have any friends in your life that you consider family?
Stephanie's Discussion Question For 7/30
In Our America, Lloyd sees one of his schoolmate doing a illegal activities on the street. If you had seen someone do something bad to themselves or to other people around them would you tell on them. Ratting someone who is close to you out makes you a bad friend. But does that make you a bad person or just someone who care about what going to happen to them. Have you every face a situation where you have to tell someone the truth or tell someone else just to make sure nobody else get hurt? How does your character in the book you are reading face a tough situation? What was the outcome from that?
You Know Better!
Being taught what's right and what's wrong are instilled in some of us as a child. It's like you know what you should and should not do at certain age in life and things you should do are good, the things you should not be doing are bad. You as a person should know better. You know like an instinct the consequences when you do something wether it be good or wether it be bad. I think that good and bad is easily defined by the reaction you get.
A person that is always around bad may get a different perception of what's right and what's wrong. They may have a bad example to follow. I think that in society when you do bad things you have to suffer those consequences, so the person who sees only bad should see that nothing good comes from it. It's all on the way you look at things I guess. When you see a person doing good, good things come in return and that is what people should want. There are people who do bad htings that make them feel good I guess you can say, either way I think no matter where you are from you know wether you actions are good ones and bad ones. You know better!
A person that is always around bad may get a different perception of what's right and what's wrong. They may have a bad example to follow. I think that in society when you do bad things you have to suffer those consequences, so the person who sees only bad should see that nothing good comes from it. It's all on the way you look at things I guess. When you see a person doing good, good things come in return and that is what people should want. There are people who do bad htings that make them feel good I guess you can say, either way I think no matter where you are from you know wether you actions are good ones and bad ones. You know better!
I'm Fine to be Me

Every single person in my book Stranger Than Fiction is different from people in every day life, ranging from sex maniacs to guys who are obsessed with building castles. The reason for this book is to explain to people why people like amature wrestlers are not like normal people. I my self don't even see people as general every day people due to that every one belongs to a certain group.
When hanging around the main characters from Stranger Than Fiction it would be very difficult to do because each one belongs in a certain clique. There are the screewriters and then there are the destruction derby guys, it would just be to difficult to change my self into what every group likes. Then it would also not be true to my self and not fair for the other groups because honestly the only clique that I would fit in with would be the screenwriters due to thats what i'm into any thing else would be a lie. When it comes to how you should act I always find being your self to be the best.
Talk about space...
Lloyd and Le Allen are to unique kids. You would have to define every day people in order to discuses weather the two boys differ from everyday people. In their eyes they would see everyday people as gangbangers or people struggling to make it. In my eyes I see everyday people as computer savvy cell phone carrying middle class people. So in that case the people I see everyday are not as deprived of economic opportunity as the two boys.
I think I would avoid them. I am not one to go out and associate with people I don’t know. Unless they came interacted with me there would be no other interaction. Not because I am not willing I just prefer the space. I would not want to infringe on their space as well.
I think I would avoid them. I am not one to go out and associate with people I don’t know. Unless they came interacted with me there would be no other interaction. Not because I am not willing I just prefer the space. I would not want to infringe on their space as well.
Just Being Bri

LeAlan and Lloyd are so much different from people that I see every day. Both young men are growing up in poverty stricken homes and are living below the standards of people that I meet every day. I can personally relate to both of their personalities and although I’ve met some young men who are not as fortunate as I am, I have never met someone who can’t afford the basic necessities of life. I’ve met people who grew up in the Ida Bees, even my own mother can speak on that, unfortunately I don’t know firsthand what’s it’s like to live there and these two young men do.
I am not sure how exactly I would act in front of them. I know for sure that I would be myself which is goofy, but I’m sure that I would watch what I say and how I say it because I know in the hood sometimes some things may be taken the wrong way. I know that because of the beliefs that these two young men have, they wouldn’t act out when approached by a suburban girl like myself, but because of the hood mentality that they may have I know that if I say the wrong thing or act the wrong way it may be detrimental to my health. I know that sometimes people act a certain way when they get around people of another ethnicity or culture and I know that I am offended when it happens to me so I would be sure not to imitate them or try to be something that I’m not, so I would just be myself.
I am not sure how exactly I would act in front of them. I know for sure that I would be myself which is goofy, but I’m sure that I would watch what I say and how I say it because I know in the hood sometimes some things may be taken the wrong way. I know that because of the beliefs that these two young men have, they wouldn’t act out when approached by a suburban girl like myself, but because of the hood mentality that they may have I know that if I say the wrong thing or act the wrong way it may be detrimental to my health. I know that sometimes people act a certain way when they get around people of another ethnicity or culture and I know that I am offended when it happens to me so I would be sure not to imitate them or try to be something that I’m not, so I would just be myself.
Who Am I to Judge?!

To me the characters in my book are not that different than most people. Some people might feel that they are different because of where they are from. My characters living situations may be the only thing different. Lloyd and LeAlan are still regular kids that do regular things and probably would not want to be judge because of where they are from. Living in the Wells just means that they may have different experiences and views on certain things as far as life goes, but this is what makes them mwho they are. Where they come from , how they live their surroundings all make affect them as people.
If they were around me and my friends I would probably act the same. I don't change for anyone. I have friends and people close to me from the projects and the "hood" some people can't tell. If Lloyd and LeAlan were to be around me they would probably feel comfortable because of how down to earth I am... I mean who am I to Judge them?
If they were around me and my friends I would probably act the same. I don't change for anyone. I have friends and people close to me from the projects and the "hood" some people can't tell. If Lloyd and LeAlan were to be around me they would probably feel comfortable because of how down to earth I am... I mean who am I to Judge them?
Fitting In Life
The characters in Our America are different from everyday people who don't live in projects and that are not facing the effect of poverty. That LeAlan and Lloyd act like grown up at a very young age just to fit in so that nobody think they are soft and nobody can mess with them. It's hard to act like someone else because you just want to fit in with friends or to fit in the neighborhood you live in. So that nobody would look at you weird because of your race or the way you normally act.
When I'm with my friends, I act just like myself rather than trying to be something I'm not, just to fit. I don't do anything differently when we are hang out in public and I never try to fit in to what my friends want me to be like. I think being yourself makes you a better person and a much better friend. Trying to fit in, is just too much work to put in just to feel like you belong to that certain group of friends. I think fit in for me is makes me feel weird because normally I wouldn't do any of that stuff that they want me to do.
My Group
The characters in the book are wild and outrageous. In the first story "Testy Festy" all of the characters seemed like they were finally cut loose. They were doing things i wouldn't want to do, not just because of my gender but because i wouldn't feel this is morally right. my friends would think the same thing because we are alike in a way that we wouldn't want to attend this "party". if we were lost and this was the only town for miles then we would maybe check out this party or just sleep in the car.
If i had to interact with characters from my book it wouldn't be from Testy Festy. It would be from where meat comes from. In this story it talks about wrestlers who are proud of their sport and love getting cauliflower ear. I never had cauliflower ear but know the feeling of being proud of the sport. My Friends and I would try to act ourselves but would be over run with these crazy personality's and would be hard to do the same things we usually do.
If i had to interact with characters from my book it wouldn't be from Testy Festy. It would be from where meat comes from. In this story it talks about wrestlers who are proud of their sport and love getting cauliflower ear. I never had cauliflower ear but know the feeling of being proud of the sport. My Friends and I would try to act ourselves but would be over run with these crazy personality's and would be hard to do the same things we usually do.
be myself
In The Last American man we see a person who is not very common in our society but more like a person who lives in our backyards aka America. Eustace is a person is you are likely not to see unless you live in a rural area. Everyday people got to work, have a family to support, go to school,drive a car or ride a bike, eat fast food. We also watch t.v., listen to music, do chores but Eustace doesn't have to worry about any of that. He doesn't worry about the same priorities as normal people would.
Eustace is different from a everyday person he has no job, no worries, he lives off the land he travels, he is person who can survive on anything compared to a everyday person. Eustace is person who dosent live the same lifestyle as the people i know, he dosent have to worry about paying the rent on time, how you gonna get to school or do i have enough money for lunch today. I would act normal I am the type of person if you come off nice ill be nice also. I would act normally like myself there is no reason i have to change. I'm going to act like myself there is no reason to change or to fit in with the person.
Eustace is different from a everyday person he has no job, no worries, he lives off the land he travels, he is person who can survive on anything compared to a everyday person. Eustace is person who dosent live the same lifestyle as the people i know, he dosent have to worry about paying the rent on time, how you gonna get to school or do i have enough money for lunch today. I would act normal I am the type of person if you come off nice ill be nice also. I would act normally like myself there is no reason i have to change. I'm going to act like myself there is no reason to change or to fit in with the person.
Response to Martins Question --- J O N A T H A N
The Charecters in the book Stranger than Fiction, are interviewed for the stories simply beacuase they themselves are stranger than fiction. Sex deviants, amatuer wrestlers, Steroid users, and animal suit wearing tourists. Each group of people, completley a breed of their own.
Reading about these people makes you look at yourself and try to see what you are as a person or what kind of group you should fit into. While reading you say, " what do i do?" and "am I strange?".
Personally, I always try to be open minded and respectful to people. I am amazed by differences in cultures and intrigued by vocal accents people wear pertaining to what region or country they are from. So, meating anyone who is "strange" is like a treat to me, to be able to learn about different kinds of people is amazing. It makes me stop and wonder what ordinary means, and if its possible for someone to be ordinary.
Im not changing for anybody!

I wouldn't say my characters in particular are very different from people you see today. However, one character Eustace Conway is very different from a lot of people I see everyday. Especially walking down the streets of Chicago. Eustace Conway would probably have a heart attack. He lives in the wild, kills and cooks his own food, builds his own housing, etc... You don't typically see a man like Eustace in the big city, nor have I ever met a man like himself. If he were to walk the streets of downtown Chicago, it would be a completely different atmosphere than walking down a path a Turtle reserve.
To answer your second question, no I wouldn't act different in front of my friends, or Eustace to impress either one of them. I would be myself, I am who I choose to be. I wouldn't want to change who I am as a person to impress my friends, or Eustace. Both people should like me for who I am, even though I'm not into killing my own meal, and building a place to sleep for the night, I could learn from Eustace with out changing. And that is what Eustace likes to do, teach. For my friends it would be the same way, just because I'm not into what they are doing, doesn't mean I cant learn how to do it or even how to deal with it.
The last american man and I

Eustace differs from most people in a very strong way. From early child, he began an unhealthy obession with animals, nature, things of the wild. In the 7th grade, Eustace had over 100 turtles in his own backyard, at the age of 7 he could kill a squirrel by throwing a knife at it, he could also skin a rabbit and make a vest out of its fur. In his adulthood, Eustace lived in a teepee while living off creatures in the wild.
If Eustace were to hang out with me and few buddies of mine, I would behave like myself. No need in trying to mimic or imitate what Eustace's is doing. if I were to do that, I would only detatch myself from my own eccentricity, which I hold very valuable to me. Hanging around Eustace would probably cause me to look at my environment in a different way or perhaps I would view nature in a completely new paradigm but trying to fit in with someone like Eustace is too much. Besides, his ego gets in the way of relationships.
If Eustace were to hang out with me and few buddies of mine, I would behave like myself. No need in trying to mimic or imitate what Eustace's is doing. if I were to do that, I would only detatch myself from my own eccentricity, which I hold very valuable to me. Hanging around Eustace would probably cause me to look at my environment in a different way or perhaps I would view nature in a completely new paradigm but trying to fit in with someone like Eustace is too much. Besides, his ego gets in the way of relationships.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Response to Aieshas question
Living somewhere where guns, drugs and violence are prominant will definetley impact your lifestyle. Sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. But those arent the only factors to consider, it also depends on how you were raised that helps you decided which road to choose for yourself. Family and friends and role models your general moral stance will impact your decisions in life. Living in a neighbor hood where things such as gang violence, poverty and drugs are all around you might make people more aware, so that could work out as a positive. You can not say that the kids in the book where doomed to any certain life style. Although it may be hard to leave your home or escape a certain enviornment, you still have to live the way you think is right and stick to your morals.
My character struggles in trying to survive in the ghetto. They are at risk of being shot or put out on the streets. They struggle with the fact of being poor and having family issues. They struggle to survive in streets. They just strait up struggle every day.
Mine would be more like an E True Hollywood Story. Being that I’m looking to be a director, I think that the E true Hollywood story would be most appropriate. Basically it would tell you where I was born and what I did how I interacted with people. Oh, and don’t forget to ad some substance abuse! No, I’m just joking of coarse but I consider my life to be somewhat bland. If anything Wright a book on my parents if you want to hear struggle.
Mine would be more like an E True Hollywood Story. Being that I’m looking to be a director, I think that the E true Hollywood story would be most appropriate. Basically it would tell you where I was born and what I did how I interacted with people. Oh, and don’t forget to ad some substance abuse! No, I’m just joking of coarse but I consider my life to be somewhat bland. If anything Wright a book on my parents if you want to hear struggle.
If I could tell a story about my life it would be filled with every emotion. Ranging from sadness when I almost died when I was a little baby to pain when I snapped my wrist during dodge ball (that's right dodge ball.) My story would also be filled with the crazy characters that I have met during my eighteen years of life. My friend Hansen who is an annoying religious freak who has the strangest views on life. There is also my friend Kevin who has to be the leader of our group of friends and he also thinks he's always right.
In my book Stranger than Fiction it is filled with people who struggle ranging from misunderstood boxers to pointless destruction derby racers. Every one has a struggle and that is what my book is trying to get across and hope thats what people take into acount before they start judging people.
In my book Stranger than Fiction it is filled with people who struggle ranging from misunderstood boxers to pointless destruction derby racers. Every one has a struggle and that is what my book is trying to get across and hope thats what people take into acount before they start judging people.
Abusive fathers are broad topics...aren't they?
Eustace's father's behavior towards him is unacceptable. Waking up a child for mere humilition shows that Eustace Sr. was driven in his determination to break Eustace to mold him into the image that he had for his son. My father can be abrasive, but nowhere near abusive. I think that I would attempt to make the best out the situation concerning abusive fathers. Although the relationship would have possible traumatizing effects, I would attempt to carve another path for myself and my future.
Because Eustace grew up to mirror his father's actions (although not as intense), he still reflected the abuse of that house. If I were to be treated that way, I would first examine my father's reasons for the abuse, examine myself (personality, mental health, ect.) and change my circumstances as soon as possible.
Because Eustace grew up to mirror his father's actions (although not as intense), he still reflected the abuse of that house. If I were to be treated that way, I would first examine my father's reasons for the abuse, examine myself (personality, mental health, ect.) and change my circumstances as soon as possible.
If i had a father like that i would try to make the best out of it by trying to work things out and try to resolve our issues when im at the right age. The reason i would wait for the right age is because maturity at a certain age would be better because the father may offer respect at a certain age. If the father would have hard feekings then i would think that inleast i tried to work things out with my father and wouldnt have hatred towards him.
No i dont think i could look up to a father like this because he doesnt offer me respect or teach me fatherly things. I understand that he would ant me to learn the problems but i wouldnt want to stay up late and try to solve the problems. I would still respect my father to certain degree and try to be a son but it would be hard.
No i dont think i could look up to a father like this because he doesnt offer me respect or teach me fatherly things. I understand that he would ant me to learn the problems but i wouldnt want to stay up late and try to solve the problems. I would still respect my father to certain degree and try to be a son but it would be hard.
Book Of My Life
In the book, Our America, LeAlan's dad is not around to take care of him so his grandmother takes care of him since his mother is sick. And Lloyd's dad who drinks a lot doesn't take care of his son so Lloyd's sisters have to take care of him.
If I told a story about my life, it would be mixer of good and bad because I have some bad memory of my childhood and some good ones. And write about that could make me want someone else to learn from my mistakes But that what makes a good book to read because you can connect to someone personal stories, good or bad. Everyone have experiences that we could all relate to.
If I told a story about my life, it would be mixer of good and bad because I have some bad memory of my childhood and some good ones. And write about that could make me want someone else to learn from my mistakes But that what makes a good book to read because you can connect to someone personal stories, good or bad. Everyone have experiences that we could all relate to.
My Story...From Beginning to End
The types of struggles that my characters are experiencing are similar in many ways. In the novel Our America LeAlan and Lloyd are both living in a horrible community where most everyone is either selling drugs or on them or are in a gang. Both boys are living without their father. Although Lloyd’s father is still around, his father is an alcoholic and is never there for him. Lloyd’s two sisters raise him and he is basically without a parent at all. Both boys are living in situation that I could never imagine myself or anyone else living in.
The story that I would tell about my life would probably be a good one. Not too much negative other than the fact that I messed up big time in high school with my grades and with my focus because then I was more focused on what others thought about me rather than my grades and doing well in life (Thank God I had a glimpse of reality when I did). My story would probably be that of a church girl growing up on the south side of Chicago and moving to the suburbs and the change that took place in the suburbs after I moved there. My story would be amazing, different from LeAlan and Lloyd’s but just as interesting!
The story that I would tell about my life would probably be a good one. Not too much negative other than the fact that I messed up big time in high school with my grades and with my focus because then I was more focused on what others thought about me rather than my grades and doing well in life (Thank God I had a glimpse of reality when I did). My story would probably be that of a church girl growing up on the south side of Chicago and moving to the suburbs and the change that took place in the suburbs after I moved there. My story would be amazing, different from LeAlan and Lloyd’s but just as interesting!
Reponse to Nandos Question - by jonathan
I do not know much about the The Last American Man, Eustace, but what i've read form synopsis' he seems to be a self sufficient man. A dedicated hard worker and a man of nature. The qualities that Eustace posseses seems to be the qualites aquired from a fathers teaching. Its possible that the way his father was, a strict father who made him do problems all night, might have taught him things that help him live his life the way he does. Doing problems until early hours of the morning could have taught Eustace to be dicsiplined and precise. Maybe Esuutace owes his self sufficientcy to the way his father taught him even if he didnt see it at the time.
This type of father is not common to me necsicarily. My parents were very lieniant while i was growing up and let me figure things out on my own. This is jsut another method i suppose. So, no my parents were not Stict like Eustace's father but they taught me in their own way to be self sufficient.
This type of father is not common to me necsicarily. My parents were very lieniant while i was growing up and let me figure things out on my own. This is jsut another method i suppose. So, no my parents were not Stict like Eustace's father but they taught me in their own way to be self sufficient.
the struggles we face
In the book The last American Man Eustace has had problems in the past with his father. He flashes back when talking to Elizabeth Gilbert about the struggles he had to face with father. He remembers struggling with his father and always listening and still getting yelled at. For Eustace its hard to think about those times of having a bad relationship with his father. He also is facing a another struggle which involves him not being able to stay put with a woman.
In one chapter of the book it says that a woman is madly in love with Eustace and loves to spend every moment with him and listens to whatever he says. She even cooks for him and Eustace does gets mad at her for not cooking it correctly. He makes her go on hikes with him but Eustace stays far ahead from her. This shows he has struggles staying with women. My story would be about my struggles that would be bad like my parents getting divorce. My story also would be talking about my struggles in high school and it was hard for me to graduate on time.
In one chapter of the book it says that a woman is madly in love with Eustace and loves to spend every moment with him and listens to whatever he says. She even cooks for him and Eustace does gets mad at her for not cooking it correctly. He makes her go on hikes with him but Eustace stays far ahead from her. This shows he has struggles staying with women. My story would be about my struggles that would be bad like my parents getting divorce. My story also would be talking about my struggles in high school and it was hard for me to graduate on time.
Luke, I am your father.
I would have to make the best of the situation if I had a bad father. That my dad most importantly its family. I would try to get out of the situation as soon as possible. If there was no other option I would just deal with it. I wouldn’t have any other choice honesty.
No I wouldn’t look up to him. I would probably go home to my dad and deal with him but that’s about it. I would know not what to become. I believe I will strive to avoid becoming who he is. They shouldn’t force things on to their kid if they don’t enjoy it.
No I wouldn’t look up to him. I would probably go home to my dad and deal with him but that’s about it. I would know not what to become. I believe I will strive to avoid becoming who he is. They shouldn’t force things on to their kid if they don’t enjoy it.
To me a father figure like that is sometimes what you get. It may not be all the time but it still may be some of the time. Having a father like that can work to your advantage or not at all. In Eustaces situation i think it helped him because you realize that the only reason he was in the wilderness was because of the things his father taught him. Now the way he did it may not have been fair at all but it sure did the trick.
It helped to be the person he is today, persistant, devoted, and in all aspects of the word, motivated. It helped him to conquer his goals and challenge himself. Granted having a father like that could get pretty stressful and almost ruin the relationship because of all the self humiliation, or it could just give him dicipline. For many people who dont know, a father is an important figure, especially in a young boys life. This man will single handedly make the boy the man he will once be if he has any interest in his own son.
It helped to be the person he is today, persistant, devoted, and in all aspects of the word, motivated. It helped him to conquer his goals and challenge himself. Granted having a father like that could get pretty stressful and almost ruin the relationship because of all the self humiliation, or it could just give him dicipline. For many people who dont know, a father is an important figure, especially in a young boys life. This man will single handedly make the boy the man he will once be if he has any interest in his own son.
Misunderstood Methods
My dad and I have a rather messed up relationship. He may call me dumb for not doing some thing right or put me down when I find it to be uncalled for. Then I get back at him by calling him names, but my dad and I are best of friends. People may see my dad and I to be crazy and uncalled for by the way we act but it is the only way we show we care for one another.
There have been times in the past where he and I put each other down but when I get into trouble he is right there to help me out. For example my dad was mad at me for hanging up on him and then my my car axel snapped and I swerved into a parked car. While I sat in the car coming close to having a heart attack I called my dad and he raced over to the scene as fast as he could. Even though we act like jerks toward each other I could never have a better relationship with my fater.
There have been times in the past where he and I put each other down but when I get into trouble he is right there to help me out. For example my dad was mad at me for hanging up on him and then my my car axel snapped and I swerved into a parked car. While I sat in the car coming close to having a heart attack I called my dad and he raced over to the scene as fast as he could. Even though we act like jerks toward each other I could never have a better relationship with my fater.
My Life
"In where meat comes from" the character is on a wrestling team and talks about what it means and feels to be a wrestler. He expresses that its not a bad struggle to do the thing that he loves witch is wresting. It all depends on if you like what your doing than it wouldn't be a struggle. It would be something you love doing. He talks about what it means to have cauliflower ear and why kids abusive themselves to obtain this structure on their ear.
If i could tell a story about my life it would be called Nik's memoir. it would be a happy/funny story with a little bit of sadness. I would include all my accomplishments and moments of laughter in my life. These moments would be the kind that made time stop and make me think about where I am at and what I'm doing. I would include all of my friends and enemies Ive met over the years and how they changed me in a good or positive way. But i would need more time to really think my memoir out more.
If i could tell a story about my life it would be called Nik's memoir. it would be a happy/funny story with a little bit of sadness. I would include all my accomplishments and moments of laughter in my life. These moments would be the kind that made time stop and make me think about where I am at and what I'm doing. I would include all of my friends and enemies Ive met over the years and how they changed me in a good or positive way. But i would need more time to really think my memoir out more.
Would You Read Me?
The characters' struggle is mainly dealing with their enviroment. Lloyd and LeAlan are two young men growing up in the projects, full of violence, crime, drugs. This not a place most people want to live. They struggle everyday just to survive. The way that live Lloyd not having a mother and being raised by his sisters, LeAlan's mother being Bi polar and living with his grandmother is another struggle within their households. They struggle to try to overcome these circumstances every day to be different and not labled like everyone else.
If I were to write about my life, I'd probably write about the good and the bad. I would write about the bad so that people can see where I am coming from and what I had to struggle with. I would write about the good so that people can see how I have come along and grown for the better. I would want people to learn from my bad and know that good things do happen. I think that my struggles would be a lesson for people following in my footsteps.
If I were to write about my life, I'd probably write about the good and the bad. I would write about the bad so that people can see where I am coming from and what I had to struggle with. I would write about the good so that people can see how I have come along and grown for the better. I would want people to learn from my bad and know that good things do happen. I think that my struggles would be a lesson for people following in my footsteps.
Living Without A Father
I never had a father in my life but if I did I would try to calm down in a bad situation. I would try to reason with him and come to a solution. I would be so mad at him at first but if I think things over, I would have a better grip of myself. If I let something like that get to me then I be so mad, I would leave my house and never come back. But that just me because I don't know if other people would do the exact thing I would do.
I don't know from experience because I don't have a father but I think some fathers act that way with their kids. I don't know if they trying to punish their kid or teach them a valuable lesson. But in either way I think it would be humiliating to do that in front of your whole family. I think that could scar a kid for the rest of their life. I think doing that could make the kid resent their father for the rest of their life. And fathers are most important thing in anybody life even if they don't care for you like they should do.
I don't know from experience because I don't have a father but I think some fathers act that way with their kids. I don't know if they trying to punish their kid or teach them a valuable lesson. But in either way I think it would be humiliating to do that in front of your whole family. I think that could scar a kid for the rest of their life. I think doing that could make the kid resent their father for the rest of their life. And fathers are most important thing in anybody life even if they don't care for you like they should do.
Story telling
My characters are experiencing independent struggles. Struggles through the world related through themselves. Living in the wilderness is a big thing and it happens to be the main struggle for my character. His environment consists of wild animals, and these wild animals can be fierce. It is a matter of life and death, devotion, and will power. The way he lives, he has to kill his food in order to survive and make shelter. If he hadnt learned how to do this i garauntee that he would not have made it.
Now if i were to tell of my personal experiences through a story a would do it like Eustace. I would explain the struggle of my situation, the main idea, and my succes or failure. I would tell a story of an experience that was deep. Not necessarily good or bad but a story that makes you think. Something that keeps you hanging on and interested. If your too boring nobody will want to listen to you and it is your duty as the story teller to keep them asking questions. To make sure that they want more out of you, because its not the listener who has the answers it is you. You make your change and you do it the way it comes most naturally to you.-martin
Now if i were to tell of my personal experiences through a story a would do it like Eustace. I would explain the struggle of my situation, the main idea, and my succes or failure. I would tell a story of an experience that was deep. Not necessarily good or bad but a story that makes you think. Something that keeps you hanging on and interested. If your too boring nobody will want to listen to you and it is your duty as the story teller to keep them asking questions. To make sure that they want more out of you, because its not the listener who has the answers it is you. You make your change and you do it the way it comes most naturally to you.-martin
Personal suffering
As a child Eustace Conway suffered being neglected. No he wasn't abused, and starved to death. He had clothes to wear and a roof over his head. But his father would have nothing to do with what Young Eustace wanted to do with his life. Eustace Jr's dream was not questionable in Eustace Sr's head. Young Eustace has had to deal with that his whole life, and to this day his father still doesn't understand why Eustace does what he does.
If I had to write a story about my life it would be a combination of both bad and good. I would write about the struggles I've had in my life and how I overcame them. How I became to be the successful young woman I am today. Even though the begining when it seems like the world is going to end, My story would show that there always a light at the end of the tunnel, theres always a way for happiness. Its just a matter of you wanting and finding it.
If I had to write a story about my life it would be a combination of both bad and good. I would write about the struggles I've had in my life and how I overcame them. How I became to be the successful young woman I am today. Even though the begining when it seems like the world is going to end, My story would show that there always a light at the end of the tunnel, theres always a way for happiness. Its just a matter of you wanting and finding it.
daddy's girl
The relationship I have with my dad is a pretty stable relationship. Sure there are times where I can't stand him and he probably gets pretty frustrated with me. I know that my dad and I will never be best friends but I know that I can count on him for anything. That makes me believe that if I did have a rocky relationship with him that I would try to make the best of it. You only have one dad and you want to make it work. Knowing that someone will be there for you know matter what is very comforting.
I will always try to atleast of a civil relationship with my dad for many reasons. I care about him and I know he cares about me so even if we don't see eye to eye I know that he still will love me. Some may say i'm a daddy's girl but what it comes down to is that we have a healthy relationship and that we will always be there for eachother.
I will always try to atleast of a civil relationship with my dad for many reasons. I care about him and I know he cares about me so even if we don't see eye to eye I know that he still will love me. Some may say i'm a daddy's girl but what it comes down to is that we have a healthy relationship and that we will always be there for eachother.
Response to Samantha by JONATHAN----
Suffering definetley seems to be a big part of writing. You see it in movies and books and storys and art. People seem to be most inspired by the struggles they've faced and conquered. the charecters in my book suffer and most definetley struggle to suceed. Author Chuck Palahniuk describes the fight put up by certain groups, such as sexual deviants trying to find a place where they fit in or amatuer writers trying to make it big and sell there storys to publishers. All these people have there own storys about there own strife.
Just like anyone else i have struggled and would have countless storys to tell. Storys about getting through school or about being broke. Or about crashing my car or getting lost in the woods. they could go either way, some good some bad. All and all i have learned from these struggles and they have made me better, although they might not be the most interesting stories, and probablly would not be bought by the book publishers in like the charecters in Chucks book.
Just like anyone else i have struggled and would have countless storys to tell. Storys about getting through school or about being broke. Or about crashing my car or getting lost in the woods. they could go either way, some good some bad. All and all i have learned from these struggles and they have made me better, although they might not be the most interesting stories, and probablly would not be bought by the book publishers in like the charecters in Chucks book.
Me and My Daddy
I am blessed to have both a mother and a father. My relationship with my father is wonderful and we share everything. My father tells me about the times when he was younger and how he wants me to be better than he was or ever will be. My father encourages me when i'm down and helps me when I need help. I look up to my father because he shows me how a real man should be and what qualities I need to look for in a husband, so yes my relationship with my father is awesome. I do think that a child should maintain a relationship with their father even if they are always being embarssed or if their father puts them down. I believe that they can learn something from their relationship with their father even if it is a bad relationship. I believe that they can learn what qualities to look for in their father so that when or if they have a child they can know what to do and what not to do with their child so that they can have a better relationship with that child than they had with their father.
In my family there are fathers that you can't look up to. Not with my father and I but sometimes with my uncles and their children. Sometimes I have friends who have horrible relationships with their fathers or not a relationship at all. For example I had one friend who's father moved out when she was little and she hasn't seen him since she was like 2 years old. Unfortunatley she has no relationship with her father and doesn't even remember him. She does try to make the best of that situation so I applaud her on that.
In my family there are fathers that you can't look up to. Not with my father and I but sometimes with my uncles and their children. Sometimes I have friends who have horrible relationships with their fathers or not a relationship at all. For example I had one friend who's father moved out when she was little and she hasn't seen him since she was like 2 years old. Unfortunatley she has no relationship with her father and doesn't even remember him. She does try to make the best of that situation so I applaud her on that.
Eustace: the arrogant A-hole
In the novel, The Last American Man, Eustace Conway, a wilderness buff, endures both financial, maritial, and family problems. He suffers from the lack of understanding from outsiders who do not understand his love for nature, he suffers from the lack of love that his father never showed his as a child, thereby resulting in him searching for women to complete him, or at least parts of him. He also suffers from family issues. As mentioned before, Eustace's father was mentally and verbally abusive, and Eustace unwittingly goes the same route during his expidition with his younger brother Judson or he loses him temper over small things with his girlfriends or fiances, who find it difficult to be in a commited relationship with Eustace.
But I have observed an even greater suffering in the life of Eustace; himself. The pinnacle of the majority of his problems can spring from himself, due to his egotistic nature. While he may be sweet and gentle, he is very strict in terms of working. Several apprentices at Turtle Island quit after claiming that Eustace is not pleasant to get along with. Upon divulging into the book a bit more, readers will find that Eustace is not just some great nature fanatic, but an arrogant conceited person. My opinion is that he suffers from himself most of all, beyond any of his family members, girlfriends, or circumstances
But I have observed an even greater suffering in the life of Eustace; himself. The pinnacle of the majority of his problems can spring from himself, due to his egotistic nature. While he may be sweet and gentle, he is very strict in terms of working. Several apprentices at Turtle Island quit after claiming that Eustace is not pleasant to get along with. Upon divulging into the book a bit more, readers will find that Eustace is not just some great nature fanatic, but an arrogant conceited person. My opinion is that he suffers from himself most of all, beyond any of his family members, girlfriends, or circumstances
Your not daddy's little girl.
If I had a bad relationship with my father I would try my hardest to make the best of it. Many children don't have a father figure in their life, and a lot grow up with out even knowing what a father figure is. This is really sad because I cant relate, I've had a dad my whole life. Even though we didn't get along very well growing up, and still butt heads, hes still my dad and I still look up to him.
When I was younger I hated my dad. I didn't even want to call him dad. I thought he was the meanest hypocritical jerk of all time. And I still think I'm right, I take nothing back from what I've said about him. But as I got older and started understanding him more I started to look up to him. I realized how strong he was, and how much crap he has to go through. More recently then ever because of certain events, My dad is the strongest man I know. And even though he hasn't been the best dad in the world, Hes still trying
When I was younger I hated my dad. I didn't even want to call him dad. I thought he was the meanest hypocritical jerk of all time. And I still think I'm right, I take nothing back from what I've said about him. But as I got older and started understanding him more I started to look up to him. I realized how strong he was, and how much crap he has to go through. More recently then ever because of certain events, My dad is the strongest man I know. And even though he hasn't been the best dad in the world, Hes still trying
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Martin's Discussion Question For Lab 7/29
How do the characters in your book differ from everyday people that you see everyday?Explain. Judging only by thoughts and feelings of the main characters in your book, how would you act in front of them associated with your personal friends in your town?Would you be yourself or try to fit in with them?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pick the red pill or blue pill
When growing up in the ghetto it must be very difficult for you to live the life you would like to live. This is because since there are so many guns and gangs shooting one another you are always getting stuck in the middle. But the choice of either grabbing a gun or sit there and hope that a bullet does not catch you is probably one of the the tough decisions of your life. If you grab the gun you are killing for no reason but survival and if you sit there you you may randomly die but you are not losing your self to an ongoing fight.
Places like the ghetto are filled with bright and talented kids, but people see a lot of people come from the ghetto and think they are in gangs and label them. Then there are the kids from the suburbs who are also bright and talented but don't get much labeling. That is why we should drop labels and see all people as what they are, not what you think they are from just looking at were they grew up. Honestly though people have been asking people to stop judging for years and it has not changed much, do yo think it ever will?
Good Topic(s) For Debate: Provide Comments
*Please respond to these questions in the comment section of this post.*
Many of our responses during Bridge incorporate our ever-changing ideas of right/wrong. Consider how we come to define "right" and "wrong." How do we construct definitions of these words?
We all have specific reactions to the choices and actions of others (and ourselves) and aren't our reactions based on perceptions of good and bad? If we're only ever exposed to "bad examples," would we not think those examples were "right"?
How might you apply your responses to the above questions to this important statement made by Martin in a previous post: "Racism is still a critical aspect of [our] culture. Everywhere you go you meet new people and see people everyday. This is why people who are still in fact racist can really bring down someone's nature."
How might someone's ideas of right and wrong affect his or her response to Martin's statement?
Many of our responses during Bridge incorporate our ever-changing ideas of right/wrong. Consider how we come to define "right" and "wrong." How do we construct definitions of these words?
We all have specific reactions to the choices and actions of others (and ourselves) and aren't our reactions based on perceptions of good and bad? If we're only ever exposed to "bad examples," would we not think those examples were "right"?
How might you apply your responses to the above questions to this important statement made by Martin in a previous post: "Racism is still a critical aspect of [our] culture. Everywhere you go you meet new people and see people everyday. This is why people who are still in fact racist can really bring down someone's nature."
How might someone's ideas of right and wrong affect his or her response to Martin's statement?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Samantha's Discussion Question 7/28
In Stranger than Fiction, Chuck Palahniuk explains how a big part of storytelling is about personal suffering. What kind of personal struggles are your characters experiencing? What kind of story would you tell about your life? Good or Bad.
Heads I win, Tails you loose
I think it effected there life style in a bad way. This is because they live in a poor community. No one would want to live in that environment if it was by choice. It is a war zone in there and you expect someone to be happy? They can’t fully experience everything life has to offer in the hood. They surly will experience a hand full of things other people won’t though.
No matter where you come from you have a choice. You can either be born good, or bad. You can also be born good and end up bad or vice versa. That is because we all have a choice but in the end our fate is the same. Someone born in the suburbs with a wealthy family become addicted to drugs and someone in the ghetto can become a lawyer. If that is what their fate entails that is where they are meant to be.
No matter where you come from you have a choice. You can either be born good, or bad. You can also be born good and end up bad or vice versa. That is because we all have a choice but in the end our fate is the same. Someone born in the suburbs with a wealthy family become addicted to drugs and someone in the ghetto can become a lawyer. If that is what their fate entails that is where they are meant to be.
Hard Knock Life
I believe it would affect them in life because everyone around them including peers and adults make bad choices in their everyday life. When they are ready to make a choice they wouldn't know whats right from wrong because in their life style everyone around them is making wrong choices. If your from the projects i believe that it would be harder to make it out than being in the suburbs because in the suburbs there isn't as much as much gang violence. In the projects there is gangs right outside your door and maybe even your own family. So even if there trying to get out they would be peer pressured by their family members to join a gang.
Enviroment vs Choice
I do not think that anyone should be allowed to grow up in such harsh conditions where their life is constantly in danger. I think that their circumstances can affect them in a both a good and bad way. By observing their environment and seeing the havoc being brought upon it, they may very well decide to go against the pressures of their environment. On the other hand, they might decided to cave into the situations that surround them.
Though I have not read the book, I think that the boy's curious natures will lead them outside of the homes that the live in and move onto something sucessfull for themselves. I don' think that it does not matter as to where you come from; whether it be the poorest country or the depths of the ghetto, I belief the environment can mold your thinking if you were to allow it to do such. Those whose go against the norm and make their own paths are those who have made the choice to not let their environment affect them in a negative way.
Though I have not read the book, I think that the boy's curious natures will lead them outside of the homes that the live in and move onto something sucessfull for themselves. I don' think that it does not matter as to where you come from; whether it be the poorest country or the depths of the ghetto, I belief the environment can mold your thinking if you were to allow it to do such. Those whose go against the norm and make their own paths are those who have made the choice to not let their environment affect them in a negative way.
You Choose Your Destiny
I feel that LeAlan and Lloyd's community effected them in a positive way when it came time for them to make the decision where to live. Since they live in the community where they live they saw the negative side of living as well as the positive. They saw how bad some neighborhoods can be and what to look for when finding the perfect neighborhood to live with their families. Their neighborhood also taught them what to look for when finding that special person, how to be good fathers, and what to tell their children because all of the negative and positive people and experiences they had in the Ida Bees.
I believe that a person chooses their destiny and not the place where they were raised. I do believe that their community can influence their decision but I believe that if they want to change their living environment and if they want to be a better person than the people they encountered in the Ida Bees that they will make the right decisions and they will make the right choices so that they will choose the right paths in the end.
I believe that a person chooses their destiny and not the place where they were raised. I do believe that their community can influence their decision but I believe that if they want to change their living environment and if they want to be a better person than the people they encountered in the Ida Bees that they will make the right decisions and they will make the right choices so that they will choose the right paths in the end.
makin your own decision
I think that when it was time to make choices the hood will effect them if they wanted to be effected by the hood. See the experience of being in the projects would make you think better to get out and make better decisions for your life. It effect them in a good way because now they want to live better and not have to worry about there saftey. I think it doesnt matter where you come from whether you grom the burbs or the hood. It is all up to you if you make the wrong decisins and go the wrong path only you can you decide your fate only you control your life. I've seen people from the hood become wealthy people and people from the burbs live like bums, so it really dosent matter were you come from only you make your the decisions. The burbs or the hood dosent make you, you make the hood or the burbs.
Daddy's Girl!
If my father and I didn't have the best relationship I would try to make it better between us. Especially if he lived in the same house hold as me. I wouldn't want alot of animosity between the two of us, I would try ro work out the issue at hand or keep a far enough distance to avoid confrontation. The bible says to honor your mother and father. As a daughter I would want to be a complete Daddy's girl.
I don't know wether that type of father is common or not. I think that people have issues with their parents at times cause all families are not perfect. I think that some people are very close to their father. It all varies on the person(s).
I don't know wether that type of father is common or not. I think that people have issues with their parents at times cause all families are not perfect. I think that some people are very close to their father. It all varies on the person(s).
Cities to Suburbs
I think we are all driven by new ideas all the time and sometimes its not in our control. The reasong being, is that no matter where you are you can still make good desicions and bad desicions. In a place like the Ida B. Wells, all the violence and havoc that occurs is actually part of the culture. As sad as it is violence is a big part of them and many people have trouble with change, especially in a community. By seeling drugs, people make a living, it is a part of there lifestyle and as everyone adapts to issues like this it tends to become acceptable and everyone does it.
As for a Suburban culture, things can be just as bad but in different ways sometimes. For example, racism is still a critical aspect of culture. Everywhere you go you meet new people and see people everyday. This is why people who are still in fact racist, can really bring down someones nature. Due to the level of ones sensitivity, however strong it may be, can affect the way a person or persons live. As a small idea, take highschool as an example. People are affected by clicks and groups, and in those groups they tend to single people out and poke fun. After a while it gets old and if the student cannot tollerate it anymore he may act outrageously, as in a shooting, suicide, or that person may just feel terrible for a long while without any friends. All of these points affect the community in different ways, so its not to say that things might only happen here or there because the truth is, there are bad things happening everywhere its just how you react to it that makes the change.-martin
As for a Suburban culture, things can be just as bad but in different ways sometimes. For example, racism is still a critical aspect of culture. Everywhere you go you meet new people and see people everyday. This is why people who are still in fact racist, can really bring down someones nature. Due to the level of ones sensitivity, however strong it may be, can affect the way a person or persons live. As a small idea, take highschool as an example. People are affected by clicks and groups, and in those groups they tend to single people out and poke fun. After a while it gets old and if the student cannot tollerate it anymore he may act outrageously, as in a shooting, suicide, or that person may just feel terrible for a long while without any friends. All of these points affect the community in different ways, so its not to say that things might only happen here or there because the truth is, there are bad things happening everywhere its just how you react to it that makes the change.-martin
your choice
I think that it influenced in a good way, only if they were not sucked into the violence and drugs. That once they did get out of the projects, they can compare their new life to the terrible places they used to live and really appreciate what they have now. A struggle to get out of the projects will make them really understand how important it is to create your own life, they way you want it to be.
I believe that it shouldn't matter where you came from but the kind of person you are. That you know right from wrong in the suburbs or in the ghetto. When you come across something that is dangerous you know to stay out of it's track. The people that you interact with can also play a huge part. If you want to stay on the right path, meeting people with the same views will help you stick to what you believe in. That can also be true in a negative way. Getting sucked into the drugs and violence can happen with the people you associate youself with. Hopefully, your morals are in the right place and you will choose the right thing to do.
I believe that it shouldn't matter where you came from but the kind of person you are. That you know right from wrong in the suburbs or in the ghetto. When you come across something that is dangerous you know to stay out of it's track. The people that you interact with can also play a huge part. If you want to stay on the right path, meeting people with the same views will help you stick to what you believe in. That can also be true in a negative way. Getting sucked into the drugs and violence can happen with the people you associate youself with. Hopefully, your morals are in the right place and you will choose the right thing to do.
The Projects And The Surburbs
I think it's affects them in a bad way but I think it would help them in a long run because they seen the bad. It would help them make the right decision in lifestyle later on when they decide where to live to how they going to raise their family. I don't think it matter where you come from it's you who makes the decision on how you want to life. If you listen or follow the wrong crowd then you get what you expect. The people who live in the surburbs make the same mistakes as people who live in the projects. They are no better even if the people in the surburbs think so. It also depends on how you family raise you to be that can make you take the right road or the wrong road.
Violence? Poverty? Who needs it?!
I think the boys can be influenced by the negative influence around them. Growing up in that can take a bad effect on you. However, in the end its their decision how to live. If they were against the violence, and didn't want anything to do with the drugs at there young age, then the answer should be simple. I personally think they would want to get out of that, and grow from their past experiences. They would want to lead a not drug and violence life after seeing everything they had growing up.
Where you grow up does play apart in your decisions you make. But it defiantly doesn't define who you are and how you want to live. Where I live threes at least one "crack house" on every other street. People get there cars broken into more frequently the not. Windows and mailboxes getting smashed etc.. A majority of the people in my neighborhood cant afford much and haven't gone very far in their lives. However, that doesn't effect me, that's not going to me. I'm making something of myself and being here proves it.
Where you grow up does play apart in your decisions you make. But it defiantly doesn't define who you are and how you want to live. Where I live threes at least one "crack house" on every other street. People get there cars broken into more frequently the not. Windows and mailboxes getting smashed etc.. A majority of the people in my neighborhood cant afford much and haven't gone very far in their lives. However, that doesn't effect me, that's not going to me. I'm making something of myself and being here proves it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Nando's Discussion Question 7/28
In the book The Last American Man we see the relationship between Eustace jr and Eustace sr. and see how horrible it is. Eustace senior use to embarrass his son in front of his family and make him do problems till 3 o clock in the morning till the young Eustace got the problems right. In life many kids don't have good relationships with there father some don't even have a father but if you have a father would you make the best of the situation of having a bad relationship with a bad father that puts you over the edge?To some of you is this type of father common like a father you couldn't look up too?
learning from groups of people
In the book The Last American Man the author Elizabeth Gilbert talks to Eustace Conway about his life. It seemed like she didn't need to go no were or visit some special environment. I say that because Eustace was the wild its like all the information he gave her about his life, its like he brought the wild to her. He made her vision with so much detail he gave her like she was there experiencing it with him. Eustace was the inspiration for Elizabeth to write the book about him she was face to face with the inspiration to the book itself. I've been with a record label for a year already and we express the same common interest making good music and showing Chicago got talent. Ive been part of this group for a while we all feel like we going to make it and the people who hate are our inspiration to do better. We does love making music like rap, r&b,Spanish soul, reggaton and does getting the word out. {1913}
Chicago like Vietnam not even close!
It is not acceptable but its life we have to deal were we live and accept the fact that we live in a war zone. Some people consider it be normal because that were they grew up and were raised. No its not right that they live in such a community that everyday they here gunshots but its life and we cant change it. See some people have to deal with living in such projects because there father or mother doesn't have the opportunity to move in a better community. If there is war going on you got to learn to accept it and stay away from it.
Does like me I've grew up around a bad neighborhood but i learned to does accept it and go on with life. I have something in common with these kids i hear gunshots, people yelling outside, firecrackers going off, sirens going off every hour you does learn to deal with it and go threw life and ignore it. See does like to these kids im use to my environment to me im living in aight area even tho its a bad place, its were i grew up and its what im use to and i feel comfortable in my hood. I don't feel uncomfortable with them calling parts of chi town Vietnam because its true and look at the news or newspapers and you'll see what im talking about.
My hood is the same way kids dying in my neighborhood like every month for what over some wrong colors or what you reppin. See are streets are like war zones and Vietnam because you got gangs with semi automatics and assault riffles ready to go to war, so no Chicago ain't Vietnam its worse. Kids are dying like everyday in these streets so its bad around here but its never gonna stop. {PEACE }
Does like me I've grew up around a bad neighborhood but i learned to does accept it and go on with life. I have something in common with these kids i hear gunshots, people yelling outside, firecrackers going off, sirens going off every hour you does learn to deal with it and go threw life and ignore it. See does like to these kids im use to my environment to me im living in aight area even tho its a bad place, its were i grew up and its what im use to and i feel comfortable in my hood. I don't feel uncomfortable with them calling parts of chi town Vietnam because its true and look at the news or newspapers and you'll see what im talking about.
My hood is the same way kids dying in my neighborhood like every month for what over some wrong colors or what you reppin. See are streets are like war zones and Vietnam because you got gangs with semi automatics and assault riffles ready to go to war, so no Chicago ain't Vietnam its worse. Kids are dying like everyday in these streets so its bad around here but its never gonna stop. {PEACE }
The Man behind the Glass
I been part of many groups in my life and they were honestly pretty boring groups like just sitting around playing video games or watching movies. I liked doing the things we did in the group but we all acted the same and shared the same ideas it just predictable. Thats why when one of my friends went crazy and actually started hearing voices, I went with him to his psychiatrist and sat in the lobby while he was examined.
The people in the lobby were so cool and interesting because I could not think like them. First there was this eight year old boy who could not stop playing Gameboy. While he played he would shake a lot and twist his body in odd ways with out taking his eyes of the screen. Then there was this girl named Megan who look sweet and nice on the outside but very dark on the inside. She talked about how she would paint her nails and add a touch of red from her freshly sliced wrist. Then she told me how she wanted to go to Northwestern since she was twelve and how the wrist cutting was no problem. All I could ponder was how could some sweet little girl think like that. That is why I also like talking to groups that I am not even really a part of because they can tell you things that you never could imagine.
War of the Worlds
I see it as that no one should have to compare their living arrangements to Vietnam due to the fact that Vietnam and war in general is just terrible. To this day many people feel bad about the things they saw and heard in Vietnam they try to forget every day. But now children have to suffer to the sight of dead bodies and pray that a stray bullet never hits a friend or them selves. To think that there are people out their that just don't care about their actions and how they don't just hurt the people that the barrel is aimed at but it also hurts the surrounding people.
The thing that makes it worse is that the innocent bystanders have no way of getting away from the violence they just have to sit there and take it. Also it is very disturbing that the hatred for other people will never stop and their going to just keep shooting till there is nothing left.
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There you will find orientation dates, requirements, and instructions for signing up. If you have further questions or concerns about orientation, please contact the Office of New Student Programs and Orientation at 312-344-8675.
As a student at Columbia College Chicago, you can't live without the school's website (check the sidebar on this blog for a link to the main page), so familiarizing yourself with it would be super worthwhile.
Aieasha Discussion Question 7/24
In the book Our America, LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman grew up in or around the Ida B. Wells projects of Chicago, where guns, violence , and drugs consumed their neighborhood. Do you think this affected their lifestyles in a good or bad way when it was time for them to make a choice of how they wanted to live? Do you think that it matters where you come from, the projects or suburbs in order not to take the wrong road or is it one's own decision?
Stranger Than Fiction Discussion
I think of the book I'm reading is that the author is living and writing about their environment from what they see around them that maybe no one else see. They take there inspiration from the hood and different kind of social groups. I feel that I go to certain groups because they may share the same interest as I do. Or that they may live in the same environment I live in and experience the same thing I experiment growing up.
Drive By v.s. Fly By
The boys should not be living under those conditions. I wouldn’t. Don’t think anyone would want to live that way. If everyone would have a choice how to live the world would be filled with suburbs and mansions. They can’t help that they weir born into that situation.
I the Vietnam statement was both accurate and inaccurate. Accurate because Vietnam had miscommunication between party members, death, and drugs. all of those in access would shoe in a good comparison. The inaccurate portion was the people going crazy. The people from Vietnam went crazy but not in the same way as the people in the hood do. People in the hood don’t use chemical warfare and a drive by is completely different then a fly by (bomb run).
I the Vietnam statement was both accurate and inaccurate. Accurate because Vietnam had miscommunication between party members, death, and drugs. all of those in access would shoe in a good comparison. The inaccurate portion was the people going crazy. The people from Vietnam went crazy but not in the same way as the people in the hood do. People in the hood don’t use chemical warfare and a drive by is completely different then a fly by (bomb run).
Home = Warzone
I think its insane when people don't feel safe in their own home. You should be able to be happy about coming home and excited. When its compared to Vietnam that's sounds crazy and cant believe it. It seems like these boys have it hard and shouldn't feel safe. If its compared to a war zone then you cant even walk down the hall or get a gallon of milk for your family. Maybe someone could go out to get a lottery ticket and never come back leaving their family worried and restless. I feel very uncomfortable because these are human beings who are causing these problems and making people feel worried about coming home. Even though this place seems bad it could be turned around with some elbow grease.
You are who you hang with??
In the book i'm reading Our America the boys LeAlan and Lloyd were actually from the Ida B. Wells projects. This is a place where they attended school, played ,and resided. Their inspiratio was right there in the neighborhood they had to grow up in. They actually wanted people to hear about what it was like living in Chicago in the projects. LeAlan's and Lloyd's home inspired this story.
The group of friends that I have is because we all have a common interest. We actually are alike in more ways than one but we all want the same things out of life. A lot of the things I do and the people I meet we all have something in common. I guess you can say it is what I am attracted to. I am in school with alot of people I feel have the same interest as me. I really can say that what you do or who you are around you have to have something in common.
The group of friends that I have is because we all have a common interest. We actually are alike in more ways than one but we all want the same things out of life. A lot of the things I do and the people I meet we all have something in common. I guess you can say it is what I am attracted to. I am in school with alot of people I feel have the same interest as me. I really can say that what you do or who you are around you have to have something in common.
accepting conditions.
My character Eustace Conway's living condition are acceptable to an extent. What I mean by that is whats acceptable to him may not be acceptable to us. He lives a totally different life outside of society. He is comfortable with it, so yes, it is acceptable.
My feelings towards your second question is very simple. I think its ridiculous, not only was that going on back then, but is still an issue today. We live in America, "the land of opportunities." So why are are there still "the projects" and men, women, and children still living on the streets? I'm dumbfounded by the numbers I see just walking down the street. Its devastating and in no way acceptable.
My feelings towards your second question is very simple. I think its ridiculous, not only was that going on back then, but is still an issue today. We live in America, "the land of opportunities." So why are are there still "the projects" and men, women, and children still living on the streets? I'm dumbfounded by the numbers I see just walking down the street. Its devastating and in no way acceptable.
vietnam relation
It is in fact comparable. I have read the book before but thats beside the point. It seems as though the summers can be brutally hot at times, and in comparison to Vietnam, war life was just like that. Although Lee Allan and Lloyd are both younger than a vietnam soldier would be at the time, it is a young age for a boy who is barely a man to be in war. Without a doubt war should never be the answer but in this case young men had no choice, just like Lee Allan and Lloyd. It seemed to me that over time just like a soldier they have to deal with constant death. Weather it be the life of a loved one or even people of your community. Soldiers would find friends as they were there to keep occupied on there troubled journey and constantly loose them to gunfire.
The 2 boys have to constantly deal with this but over time it just comes natural to them. They have built there lives around this havoc that occurs and in relation to everyones backyard its almost part of them. It is the way they grew up, the way they know change, and in every respect its natural for that to be happening. In such a terrible neighborhood nobody wants to bother to find change, as they are all morphed into this lifestyle.
The 2 boys have to constantly deal with this but over time it just comes natural to them. They have built there lives around this havoc that occurs and in relation to everyones backyard its almost part of them. It is the way they grew up, the way they know change, and in every respect its natural for that to be happening. In such a terrible neighborhood nobody wants to bother to find change, as they are all morphed into this lifestyle.
The Hood/ The Ida Bees
I don't feel that the living conditions in the housing developments where LeAlan and Lloyd live are acceptable. As LeAlan's grandmother says the Ida B. Wells developments were not always bad and that it gradually went down as the community changed. I feel that when people take pride in where they live and care about their community then the environment is better. Where the boys lived people did not care and did not want to care about what was going on in their neighboorhood and that is why their community was not as lovely as it could have been.
As a young person in America, I feel horrible hearing that the city I live in had a community that was compared to Vietnam. How can we be satisfied knowing that one of our communities was compared to a war zone in the summer months? Even today I often hear Chicago being compared to Iraq because of all of the violence that has taken place here in the past 2 years. In the past year I have had 3 people who were all related to me die and two of those people were murdered on the streets here in Chicago, one an uncle in May of 2008 and one a 15 year old god-brother in Febuary of 2007. I am not satisfied with hearing that we were once compared to Vietnam nor Iraq because America is better than that.
As a young person in America, I feel horrible hearing that the city I live in had a community that was compared to Vietnam. How can we be satisfied knowing that one of our communities was compared to a war zone in the summer months? Even today I often hear Chicago being compared to Iraq because of all of the violence that has taken place here in the past 2 years. In the past year I have had 3 people who were all related to me die and two of those people were murdered on the streets here in Chicago, one an uncle in May of 2008 and one a 15 year old god-brother in Febuary of 2007. I am not satisfied with hearing that we were once compared to Vietnam nor Iraq because America is better than that.
Living conditions
Since I have not read "Our American" yet, I cannot fully protest to the living conditions of the two boys in the story, however, I am aware of how they may have lived in such harsh conditions, and therefore will be able to comment upon that. I do not find the living conditions to be acceptable for the boys in the book or anyone in that situation. I believe it to be unfair and unjust as to how youth has to development in unpleasant situation like the one that these boys must go through. Although I have not read the book, I think it would be interesting to take a look into the psyche of the boys.
I cannot say whether or not I feel comfortable about America's leading cities housing development being compared to Vietnam because I know little or nothing about economics. I can say that it sounds as if you are trying to elicit a sympathetic response concerning both discussion questions, but I can only extend my sorrow to the things I have some form of knowledge upon.
I cannot say whether or not I feel comfortable about America's leading cities housing development being compared to Vietnam because I know little or nothing about economics. I can say that it sounds as if you are trying to elicit a sympathetic response concerning both discussion questions, but I can only extend my sorrow to the things I have some form of knowledge upon.
What’s the little Billy? A bullet shell?
I know the author visited the hood. Was it for inspiration? no he did it to meet with the two boys. Other than those times he was just visiting I don’t think he took the time to spend the night or walk around the hood talking to random people. He left that to the kids to do. He gained his experience through the tapes and his interaction with the kids.
I am part of the face book Columbia year of ’12 group. I met a lot of people so far with common interest. It may not be as interesting as sex addicts but we relate by showing interest in each other’s films. Even if they are not my same major we still talk. Everyone on the website is trying to develop a network that’s a commonality as well.
I am part of the face book Columbia year of ’12 group. I met a lot of people so far with common interest. It may not be as interesting as sex addicts but we relate by showing interest in each other’s films. Even if they are not my same major we still talk. Everyone on the website is trying to develop a network that’s a commonality as well.
Just Not Right!
I feel that the way they live is to a certain extent unacceptable. The projects were'nt always that bad the people made it that way. I feel like having to live in a place where you don't know if you will ever see a love one again if you happen to go outside at the wrong time is not right. In the story the boys living conditions were not that great because of the violence and the drugs and the dangers. I would hate to have to raise my child in an enviroment like such.
The fact that LeAlan compared his nieghborhood to vietnam is rather displeasing. To not be able to have an emotion or reaction to a shooting, killing, or drug transaction is ridiculous to me. To be desinsitized in such a manor is kind of uncomfortable because they find it acceptable. I truly feel for those that had to endure going through that in their own backyard.
The fact that LeAlan compared his nieghborhood to vietnam is rather displeasing. To not be able to have an emotion or reaction to a shooting, killing, or drug transaction is ridiculous to me. To be desinsitized in such a manor is kind of uncomfortable because they find it acceptable. I truly feel for those that had to endure going through that in their own backyard.
in the first two chapters of ''Stranger than Fiction the author visist a town or maybe just a bar and interviews many characters that live interesting lives and do crazy things. in order to believe in somthing your writing u should take the time to research or visit the site personaly. ir u have a connection with the enviroment then it will a better understanding of the material. when me and my friends get together we do certain things that other people might or might not do. we go out to certain places that to hang out as a group because we all like to do it. When i was younger i went to a day camp with other kids and it asnt really a choice to go there but all the kids could relate because all of our parent were working.
Response to brittanys question by Jonathan
Its hard to define someone elses enviornment as acceptable or unacceptable. in the book i am reading, Stranger than Fiction, the author describes enviornments and sub-cultures that people outside of think are completley unacceptable but the members see as normal. I would not neccisarily say that the boys in Our Americas living conditions are unacceptable unless they are making it that way. Also that poses a another question. Are people products of their enviornment or are enviornments products of the people who live there?
Its interesting to hear the projects of chicago being compared to vietnam. You often hear in movies or on the news about certain areas being described as "like a war zone" but do not fully understand what that means. When i hear that term, i think of fear and violence and poverty, and when its applied to a place so close to home it is actually an uncomfotable thought.
Its interesting to hear the projects of chicago being compared to vietnam. You often hear in movies or on the news about certain areas being described as "like a war zone" but do not fully understand what that means. When i hear that term, i think of fear and violence and poverty, and when its applied to a place so close to home it is actually an uncomfotable thought.
Lloyd And LeAlan Environment
I find it hard to accept that this environment are acceptable to anybody to live in. I do think it's kind of true that it like live in a war zone. I use to grow up in that kind of environment and I never found that lifestyle accept living in for me and my family. It easy to imagine how the boys are dealing with survive these rough environment.
It's becomes harder everyday to deal with like a Vietnam war when it's hard for America to deal with that war and all the fighting. I find it uncomfortable that there should be a better environment for them to live in like everybody else. And not to be worry about what going to happen to them the next day. Lloyd and LeAlan should be allow to have fun and allow to act like kids rather than adults.
It's becomes harder everyday to deal with like a Vietnam war when it's hard for America to deal with that war and all the fighting. I find it uncomfortable that there should be a better environment for them to live in like everybody else. And not to be worry about what going to happen to them the next day. Lloyd and LeAlan should be allow to have fun and allow to act like kids rather than adults.
LeAlan and Lloyd's "Hood"-Bogan
The two authors/main characters in my book Our America, both lived in their their community that they were writing about. I personally think that it was really cool how the book is just them talking and living their experiences through microphones. I also think that it is cool how they used these two young men's life as a basis for a story and how others can learn from their experiences.
I have actually been called to visit some places because of my interests. I am very interested in the building up of New Orleans and hope that the city will come alive again like it was before hurricane Katrina. I visited New Orleans/ Kena, Lousiana the summer of my junior year to help out my family (because everyone in my family is originally from New Orleans/Kena, Lousiana). I lived down in New Orleans for the summer until the beginning of the school year and everyday my job was to help pack, move, babysit, and help others in the neighboorhood. The things that I saw down south encouraged me to write a story about hurricane Katrina victims and how they survived despite what they had been through, so I guess in a since I can kind of compare myself to the author in Jonathan's book.
I have actually been called to visit some places because of my interests. I am very interested in the building up of New Orleans and hope that the city will come alive again like it was before hurricane Katrina. I visited New Orleans/ Kena, Lousiana the summer of my junior year to help out my family (because everyone in my family is originally from New Orleans/Kena, Lousiana). I lived down in New Orleans for the summer until the beginning of the school year and everyday my job was to help pack, move, babysit, and help others in the neighboorhood. The things that I saw down south encouraged me to write a story about hurricane Katrina victims and how they survived despite what they had been through, so I guess in a since I can kind of compare myself to the author in Jonathan's book.
Friend Communication.
Throughout my life have spent most of my time with family and friends. Independence is a big step for me and it take time to get in touch with myself. I would say that they have become a big influence on my part as they are like a second family to me. Everything that they do i become more aware of change. As i change they also change. It is not the fact that everyone is the same it the fact that everyone is so comfertable with there personalities that they all just click instantaniously. Granted all of us have different interests and do different things at times, but our humor, and our friendships are strong in realation to one another.
It is hard to almost be different when you see a consistent group of 18+ friends every day or every other day. I would strongly say that the writer of the book may have had to go out on his own and experience different life styles for himself. It is an odd topic of course and that is another reason why it would seem to fit. The immagination is a powerful thing but theres only so much you can think of or say. The weirdness in fact, has a very discreat style and shows that he is almost at a real place. Through his writing, it is as if he himself was actually there or even part of it.
It is hard to almost be different when you see a consistent group of 18+ friends every day or every other day. I would strongly say that the writer of the book may have had to go out on his own and experience different life styles for himself. It is an odd topic of course and that is another reason why it would seem to fit. The immagination is a powerful thing but theres only so much you can think of or say. The weirdness in fact, has a very discreat style and shows that he is almost at a real place. Through his writing, it is as if he himself was actually there or even part of it.
vietnam in america
Knowing that young children are living in conditions like this is very discouraging. Since this is America and this is the place where you are supposed to feel safe and have freedom to live your life not worrying about if you are going to get shot today. That there are so many privileged people that live in the states but so many people that can't afford to buy a meal. I think it's sad that no one is trying to fix things and make it better so every American can live freely and safely.
It does make me uncomfortable that things like this could go on, and that we all are so close to it but there doesn't seem to be anything going on to fix it. People will just close their eyes and pretend that nothing is going on, since that is much easier than trying to fix things when you already have everything. I hope that one day everyone can live in peace and have the same opportunities to get out of the projects. To live a life where there is no violence and crime. That can only happen if changes start to happen and people put in time and effort to figure out what needs to be done. People shouldn't be dying because of where they live.
It does make me uncomfortable that things like this could go on, and that we all are so close to it but there doesn't seem to be anything going on to fix it. People will just close their eyes and pretend that nothing is going on, since that is much easier than trying to fix things when you already have everything. I hope that one day everyone can live in peace and have the same opportunities to get out of the projects. To live a life where there is no violence and crime. That can only happen if changes start to happen and people put in time and effort to figure out what needs to be done. People shouldn't be dying because of where they live.
Groups of Common Interest
I believe that the author of The Last Great American Man was already familar with some of the territory that she covered in the novel. She mentions that she was had known Eustace's younger brother, Judson before meeting Eustace himself. Since Judson had taken a smaller interest in nature, Elizabeth was introduced into the Western territory of life outdoors. However, her experiences were only a fraction compared to what Eustace himself had done.
Relating the last sentence of Jonathan's discussion question to myself, the groups I have been apart of that share similar interest with me are groups that enjoy Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels and Movies, or just people that enjoy reading and filmwatching in general. These groups have always played a significant role in my social life, as I am to socialize with those I can relate to.
Relating the last sentence of Jonathan's discussion question to myself, the groups I have been apart of that share similar interest with me are groups that enjoy Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels and Movies, or just people that enjoy reading and filmwatching in general. These groups have always played a significant role in my social life, as I am to socialize with those I can relate to.
Become one with your work!
In my book, The Last America Man deals with the wilderness through out the book. The author, Elizabeth Gilbert did visit "the environment" in which the book takes place. Even though she was a wilderness girl herself she became fascinated by Eustace Conway and the way he lives. She actually camped, and talked with him. She even learned some new things.
In high school I had a love for art, all shape and forms of it. Some of my fellow classmates shared the interest with me. My freshman year we decided to establish an art club. We met on Thursdays after school and did everything from talk about art, to create it. Being surrounded by people who share the same interest as you is amazing. Your comfortable and you can get honest opinions on an art piece. It could help you if your stuck on something.
In high school I had a love for art, all shape and forms of it. Some of my fellow classmates shared the interest with me. My freshman year we decided to establish an art club. We met on Thursdays after school and did everything from talk about art, to create it. Being surrounded by people who share the same interest as you is amazing. Your comfortable and you can get honest opinions on an art piece. It could help you if your stuck on something.
same level of interest
Since I am reading the same book, the second chapter is about a group of men whose lives are devoted to wrestling. When they wake up that is all they think about. What can do to improve themselves to become a better wrestler? I think that the author felt that pressure while he was there since he knew how intense these men trained and committed themselves to this sport.
I have been involved with a couple of different interest groups. Such as DECA, dance, cheerleading, even going to shows with the same large group of people. We all loved what we were doing and doing it with a group that shared the same level of interest made it that much better.
I have been involved with a couple of different interest groups. Such as DECA, dance, cheerleading, even going to shows with the same large group of people. We all loved what we were doing and doing it with a group that shared the same level of interest made it that much better.
7th grade
During my seventh grade science class I had a to a research project on the desert. When I finally finished learning everything I could at that specific time, I was told that there would be an oral presentation. I wasn’t a very good speaker at the time and it would almost work to my advantage if nobody were to listen. At that time all I wanted was to make the presentation and just get it done with. But midway through the presentation I found that many people were interested in the things that I had to say. They all asked questions that I was more than willing to answer. As I neared the end of the presentation I made jokes to keep the audience alive through lecture. I brought a big subway sand which in, and because I was studying the desert I asked if anyone wanted a “sand” which. Most of them agreed and were happy with the lecture/ presentation I gave as I also was.
Martin K
Martin K
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My Backyard
My first backyard was actually across the street where I use to live. It was a park and my family use to go across the street and hang out on a warm day. We will have grill out and go play at the playground. They would hold parties and carnivals at the park very often so great to go to these things. In the winter, it was great because me and my sister would go and have snowball fights. It was so much fun just to hang out and have friends come on over.
Jonathan Discussion Question July 23
In the intro to Stranger Than Fiction the author talks about groups of people who get together because they have a common interest ("music, writing, theater") or the same problem ("sex addicts, alzheimer patients"). He said to get inspiration to write his stories he actually went to vistit these groups. do you think the author of your book visited a certain enviornment to get inspiration for the book? What kind of groups have you been a part of because of a common interest?
Brittany Discussion Question 7/23
In chapter 2, "The Hood" in Our America, LeAlan Jones compares the Ida B. Wells housing projects, because of the shootings that take place during the summer months, to Vietnam.
As a reader, from what you have read so far, do you find the living conditions, where the boys live, to be acceptable? As a young person living in America, do you feel uncomfortable hearing that one of America's leading cities' public housing developments was once compared to Vietnam?
As a reader, from what you have read so far, do you find the living conditions, where the boys live, to be acceptable? As a young person living in America, do you feel uncomfortable hearing that one of America's leading cities' public housing developments was once compared to Vietnam?
my own way to lecture.
In high school i was required to take a speech class. i dreaded this. i absoulutley hated public speaking. not necessarily all public speaking, but the idea of throwing out information that i really had no idea about to people i completley did not know just made me really nervous. i myself do not want to listen to a speech delivered by some nervous jittery high school kid. i really needed this credit so i decided i had to get over this one way or another. i was really racking my brain on this one. what could i do? the first day of i had to stand in the front of the class and give an impropmtu speech about, i dont know, my favorite athlete or something. this was a disaster. the next day of class i decided to go talk with the speech teacher. i asked her if i could bring in props for my speeches. she agreed, she was very understanding about this "fear of public speaking". for my next speech i chose the topic of water skiing. a sport i had participated in all my life. i brought in a sololum ski, a rope, life jacket, and one of those inflateable kiddy pools, and demonstarted how to master a sololum course. wearing a goofy life vest and water skis in the middle of the class room really calmed me down. all of my peers had a good laugh about this and actually seemed decentley interested. i guess every one has there own way of telling a story or teaching new things to others, i found this was the best way for me. -jonathan
Presenting Abortion at Marian
While a student at Marian Catholic I was asked to present information to my religion class concerning the negative aspects of abortion. I was very nervous about standing up in front of the class and telling them about something that I do not believe in. My goal was to show the class the negative part of abortion and to convince them that it isn’t right to kill an innocent child. I began to grab their attention by getting up and yelling “What would we do if your mother hadn’t given you life?” Everyone just stared at me like I was crazy! I then began to tell the class the definition of abortion and what exactly happens when an abortion takes place.
As a presenter I was nervous and worried that no one would enjoy my presentation on abortions. I was uncomfortable presenting a topic that has such controversy in America today. I was worried that my grade might go down because I disagreed so strongly with the topic and that I didn’t have a problem expressing how I felt concerning it. The response I received was actually a positive one. Many students agreed with me about the way I felt and there were some that disagreed. The grade that I received was a good one because I kept the audience interested in what I was talking about and because I really was passionate about my topic.
After I was done presenting, I learned not to be so hard on myself, if I really am passionate about a subject and feel strongly about something that I have to present, I should just be honest and say how I feel. I learned that honesty is the best way to keep someone’s attention, along with making them laugh!
As a presenter I was nervous and worried that no one would enjoy my presentation on abortions. I was uncomfortable presenting a topic that has such controversy in America today. I was worried that my grade might go down because I disagreed so strongly with the topic and that I didn’t have a problem expressing how I felt concerning it. The response I received was actually a positive one. Many students agreed with me about the way I felt and there were some that disagreed. The grade that I received was a good one because I kept the audience interested in what I was talking about and because I really was passionate about my topic.
After I was done presenting, I learned not to be so hard on myself, if I really am passionate about a subject and feel strongly about something that I have to present, I should just be honest and say how I feel. I learned that honesty is the best way to keep someone’s attention, along with making them laugh!
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