Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last Day At The Bridge Program

It's Stephanie. I'm glad the program is over because I didn't want to get up early in morning again. If anybody wants to hang out just email me or call me. Here mines email address: and my cell phone: (312) 286-2553. Just call me any time, my phone is on all the time. I be hanging out at the air and water show this weekend and if anybody want to join me just give me a call.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The last great american man

Mr. Eustace Conway you have accomplished so much in life I would be surprising if your family was not proud of you. You have done so much by traveling this great land of America and teaching your ways to the people of this land. It is amazing how one man travels the United States with limited or no resources and still survives. I respect you as a strong individual for never giving up on your dreams and spreading your word to the people to enjoy the wilderness. One thing I am very curious about is that why didn’t you ever have a serious or stable relationship with a woman? Thanks for opening my eyes and realizing that us as American’s have a great country to explore. Another thing is a quote from you that I would like to thank you for I thought it was amazing, it was “I want it; I dream it and I will sacrifice for it.” It shows me to never give up and follow my dreams and do anything to get it. Why at the end of the book you all of sudden came out your car I tell the deer “ I love you” several times, I was a bit confused.

Everyone Reflects

The Film Studies Reflection

J-Walks and T-Trowns lead
the Michigan pack.

Samantha & Kayla

Find Waldo, or Nando

Now You Straight Up Field Trippin' Flynn


Hello, Jonathan here.

Oh yeah, they said "don't" answer the phone.

Teacher, I have a question:

What are we supposed to do again?

The Real Bridge

Oh, hey Tom, this is Martin, the river is
moving and there are large buildings.

Oh, hey Martin, this is Tom; I think I
see a dolphin.

Hey Nando, the people passing are talking
about me. They say that I am awesome.
See you later, Julian.

Trump Tower Cell Bells

I hope that this is not an example of
what's to come, although I know that
both Nando and Nik were being very
"casual" on the phone and quite polite.
They must be Trumped out.

Hey Mansfield

Hey manz, Things are good.
We are still friends and of course We don't stay in the Ida Bees any more. Our families are good and things are looking up! We went to college and have degrees and all of the struggling is pretty much behind us! I think maybe one day we will have a radio show call it the after life or something,. But besides that alls well. We're grown now so were on our own! I'm glad you read our America and was interested but keep in touch!
_LeAlan & Lloyd

response to kayla

Well, Kayla- I dont really feel like a change. Dont get me wrong I have tried before and I just knew that it wasnt me. I needed to be alone and figure things out for my own. After going through school the way I did and dealing with my father, I knew that I had to be persistant in a way that I would never give up. When people come to me I am more than willing to help. Despite my arrogance I wanted this dream so bad that I was willing to block everything out to get my self satisfied. Yes i do agree that everyone should live the way they want to but i would rather that people get a reality check first and really see how life is in the wilderness. Thanks for your questions.

Letter from MM

Dear John

First off I would like to say thank you for saying that my videos scare the hell out of you, big compliment. Then you diss my music and thats ok but like you said i'm all about being an induvidual and my music shows how I feel and that is darkness. You also ask what should you hobbie be since mine is tarrot cards and bones. I say do wat you like to do, if you want to go and hunt down animals and skin them and use there pelts to make you look more like that animal who am I to tell you that you can't do that. So in the end live you life how you want to live it.


Nik's response to sam's letter to chuck

I didn't really have a reason why i picked these stories or people, I just thought people should know that there are people out there like that. In this big world you can be anybody you want as long as your happy. In my book that you read it was the truth in there. All the outrageous people are real. I'm glad that you learned a few things about the real world and hope that you continue to read all my books. Thanks for saying hi.



Dear Le Alan and Lloyd
I would want to know what happened to him. he seems to have just disappeared off of the map. where did you guys go? how is your family? is there another radio show in the process. you should think about making a comeback. people would love to hear if things have changed. if they have gotten better, or worse. is it that you are waiting for another incident like Morse to happen? let me know What is up
Peace MANZ

Response to Tom from Chuck

Its your friend Chuck here, how ya doin little buddy? Im thrilled that you like my work, Stranger than Fiction, yes my interviewees are kind of out there arent they?? Yes Tom your right I should credit those weirdos I write about. Like those steroid guys, totally nuts, right? I do Credit the celebs I interview such as Juliette Lewis and Marilyn Manson, but thats because they a clearly more important people than everyone else in the book, duhh. I believe those unknow voices do need there stories told. The world needs to know about those demolition derby farmers and castle builders. So you think your freinds are Stranger than Fiction material? I would love to hear there stories, actually you should document there stories and write a non-fiction about it. You could call it Weirder than Reality. Well Tom, I've got to run, Im late for Wednesday night Fight club. Good luck!
P.S. If your ever in Montana you should check Testy fest. Its A blast!
Love, Chuck

I am for an

Art that spanks the brains of others
Art that stretches itself
Art that speaks for itself
Art that makes me lose track of time
Art that causes me to loose sleep
Art that makes me cry

Dear Chuck, From Samantha

Dear Chuck,
I am very curious on why you wanted to write a book with all these random groups and stories? Don't get my wrong, I enjoyed reading about the strange and unusual because it's nice to see that there are still people doing what they love, even if I'm not a fan. Seeing how other people live and what their interests are made me realize that I can do whatever I want that makes me happy. It doesn't have to be normal and it doesn't have to make other people want to do it, it's what motivates me do it is what matters. I think it would be interesting to follow a certain group for awhile and really live in someone shoes to understand why they do what they do. It would be a big eye opener but I'm sure I would gain a lot out of it. It would open my world to new things and show me that there is so much out their that we know nothing about. Don't be quick to judge anything or anyone if you don't know the whole truth.

letter to chuck

Dear Chuck,

Hows it been. iv'e just finished your book stranger than fiction and i thought it was a interesting book. Some of the chapters i could relate to in a way. But i was curious on how you found that place you described in your first chapter 'Testy festy". What made you want to go there or did you happen to stumble on it and say i could write about this. I also would like to know if you plan on writting another book similiar to this book that i read. I plan on reading more books that you have authored. Is there any recomadations you have for me?

Your pal,

Dear Eustace!

Dear Eustace,
After reading the book about your entire life pretty much, and having to write a 5 page paper on you, I have some questions I would like to ask you. After reading the book, there were a lot of similarities between us. Like, our father situation. My father too, was a jerk and pushed me to do things I had no interest in doing. But reading through the book, you have the same chararistics and your father. And I would be a hypocrite if I didn't say I didn't have the same chararistics as my father also. However, why don't you try to change? You hated the way your father was growing up, you begged for his acceptance. Now that's how it is for you, people that come to visit Turtle Island beg for you acceptance and attention. You've also been known to be quite the "stubborn jerk." What are you feelings towards that?
Ive also noticed the differences we have too after reading the book. Such like, You living and teaching "the wild,' obviously, and myself who has nothing to do with that at all. You say people should live the "true American way," and "live in the circle," and "outside of the box." People have many different views on that such as myself. To me, living in the circle is what your comfortable with. You choose your own circle, and who knows you could be living in someone Else's box. Do you agree with me that everyone should have their own opinion on living "in the circle." If so, why or why not?
Thanks again!

Letter To Lloyd

Dear Lloyd,

I'm a reader of your book Our America, and I was glad you and LeAlan told a story about a side of ghetto that nobody wants to talk about. I had so many friends who came from rough neighborhood and they have a difficult time struggle to survive. After see everything that had happen in your neighborhood and see what it could do to people. How do you stay positive during the time you were growing up? Do you think the experience you have learn change your attitude about life. You and LeAlan were lucky enough to get a chance to interview so many people including Eric Morse's mother and brother about killing of Eric and the people who had done it. Were you nervous about interview them? You also had a chance to interview your family and your dad had left a message about his struggle. Were you surprise to heard him talk about his goals and hope he would be a better dad to you and your sister? Was it difficult to get so many different response about people life in the ghetto? I know I would be nervous interview so many people and want to either agree or disagree with them. I have face so many difficult struggle in life growing up especially moving so many time that I never had a stable home. There was so many tragic moments in my life. But I would also wonder what would happen if you have never got the opportunity to do a radio show about your life. If you life would ever be the same doing this? Thanks for writing a great book about life in the ghetto. I hope more people would read your book.
Hope to heard from you soon,

Pen Pal,

Dear LeAlan, What's good!
Reading Our America, opened my eyes to alot of things and gave me kowlegde on things that I've never knew before. You and Lloyd gave all people that are not from the projects the opporutnity to see what it was actually like. You showed me an educational aspect of it also, on how it is not fair for your communtiy, How do you stay so strong? Living in a community like yours makes me wonder how you make it, I could not image being in poverty and kept in a cofined area. I will never judge a person coming from where you are from.
I'm glad that I read Our Ameria in school, how have you been? Stay up and I'll do the same!
- your friend Easha

to eustace

Dear Eustace,

I was wondering about your main inspiration toward adventuring out into the wilderness. I know that your mother had a great deal to do with it but I was wondering if there was something deeper. Is there a main purpose to why you did that? Anyway I enjoyed reading the las american man. It taught me that there is something more beyond general society, wether its getting in touch with yourself or nature. It has inspired me to be more creative compared to the ways you use all of your resources. It taught me that determination is a key factor in success and that if you have a dream you should continue to pursue it until it is complete. This satisfaction is like no other, especially if it is aknowledgable. You have also taught me to love what I have and cherish it for it is. What I have is what I grew up on and I shall always remember my roots and what led me to where I am today.

what is art?

I am for an art that.....
1. keeps me busy
2. free's my mind
3. looks apealing to me
4. has different colors
5. makes me stop and think
6. is priceless

Jonathans letter to Marilyn Manson

Dear Marilyn Manson,
I really enjoyed reading the chapter documenting your interview in Chuck Palahniuks book Stranger Than Fiction: Though, personally i think your music sucks. I dont know, the whole noise metal with the airy overdistorted guitars and the techno cathedral synth sound doesent really do it for me. I dont mean to be so harsh. I did like that "Beautiful People" song, really kind of catchy in a weird way. Oh and your videos scare the hell out of me, and I like that, there all pretty cool. But anyway, like i was saying, your chapter in Chucks book was very ineresting. It gave a look into the life that not alot of people now about besides for your music and videos. I thought it was cool that your into tarot cards and collecting skelotons. Im looking for a hobbie or to start a collection, what would you recomend? Possibley something as weird as your collections or even weirder, do you have anything in mind? I know that you try to send a message to the world about being an individual, that its ok to be weird. what personal advice do you have for me, such as if i have a message that i want to get out to the people of the world, by what means should i go about doing it?
Thanks Marilyn,
your friend --- Jonathan

Dear Eustace

Dear Eustace Conway Jr.

I have read your biographical book, "The Last American Man" and I think that you as an individual are extradinary; from your adventures in travelling to your hard working efforts on Turtle Island, you amaze everyone with your abilities. However, I am curious as to why your expectations of everyone are so high. After all, your apprentices can't get along with you, no more than your family members can, so why push for perfectionism if you know that it cannot be done by everyone. One final question I have for you is this; your ideal utopia is where man returns back into primitive nature and live among the wild, how can you expect this to be possible if our society is currently evolving in technology? Would trying to get everyone to live like you be a strong hinderance to what we've tried to accomplish technologically?

Letter to Chuck

Dear Chuck

I am fan of your book Stranger Than Fiction and am very intrested in the people that you write about. But honestly I feel like you are give them a raw deal because they are pouring their idea and life story out at you and you dont really care. I think you should add their names under the title of auther in the book and not just yourself. But on a positive note I am glad to see that you are trying to help other people and give them a voice that a not so accepting world can listen to. I also would find it rather intresting if you interviewed some of my friends because they all have diffrent little storys to tell about themselves. I hope in the future you come up with some fiction storys because I think that a lot of your readers would like to hear what you could come up with.

My Letter to LeAlan

Hello LeAlan,

I read the book you and Lloyd wrote, Our America. I really enjoyed reading this book. I hope that you have been able to view the world outside of the Ida Bees. Thank you for opening my eyes to see how other people feel in the world. Because of this book I was able to see how the south side of Chicago use to be. I was able to understand how it felt to be a young black kid in the south side projects back in your day. Have you escaped the Ida Bees? Do you have a family? How is your mother? Did you ever meet your father? Are you and Lloyd still good friends? I wish you and your family the best in life and hope you are doing well. Thank you again for sharing your experiences in the book Our America.


Brittany M. Bogan


First and foremost, please complete the survey about your experiences in Bridge English section 4. Take your time; your responses are very valuable to Columbia College.

FINAL POST, Wednesday, August 13

For today's post, you will write a letter to a character from your book. What would you say to him or her if you met face to face? What are you curious about? Is there something you want to thank the character for? Maybe you're confused by a character's actions and want to confront him or her. Be respectful and say what you want to say.

*Keep in mind, this letter will be in cyber-space, so it's possible the person you're writing to WILL read the letter.*

After you've written your letter and posted it, you'll "answer" a letter someone else wrote in the voice of the character the letter is written to. How do you think the character would respond? Answer as you think the character would.

Here are the partners you will work with:
Stephanie & Brittany
Aiesha & Mansfield
Julian & Nando
Kayla & Martin
Tom & Jonathan
Nik & Samantha

This means, Stephanie will answer Brittany's letter, Brittany will answer Stephanie's letter, Aiesha will answer Mansfield's letter, Mansfield will answer Aiesha's letter, and so on.

If you'd like to include images, you're welcome to do that, too.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am for an art...

  1. I am for an art that moves people.
  2. I am for an art that inspires people.
  3. I am for an art that makes people think.
  4. I am for an art that loves Barack Obama as much as I do.
  5. I am for an art that makes people laugh!
  6. I am for an art that makes me smile.

i am for?

I am for art, that pays for its self
I am for art, that opens the mind
I am for art, that keeps me thinking
I am for art, that runns around wildly
I am for art, that makes people stop and stare
I am for art, that is hungry
I am for art,that eats away at your soul

I am an art for!

I am an art for inspiring to be different
I am an art for hoping on one foot
I am an art for laughing till my stomach hurts
I am an art for wanting to be different
I am an art for being Unique
I am art for creating change

I am for an art-Samantha

I am for an art that I can get lost in.
I am or an art that I can relate to.
I am for an art that makes me dance.
I am for an art that only I can understand.
I am for an art that makes me uncomfortable.
I am for an art that makes me think of smiley faces.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Am For An Art...-Stephanie

I am for an art that makes me think of big ideas
I am for an art that remind me of the good old days
I am for an art that makes me go bungle jump off a bridge
I am for an art that I can heard different kinds of music that would play up and down the street
I am for an art that makes it stop traffic
I am for an art remind me of growing up

i am for an art - jonathan

I am for an art that rhymes with sea-foam
I am for an art that opens a room
I am for an art thats swept with a broom
I am for an art that skips a step
I am for an art that makes me epileptic
I am for an art that causes brain damage

I am for an art-martin

-that creates a large thought process
-that reminds me of who I am or who I am not
-that is abstract in a non abstract way
-that is stunningly repulsive
-that betters my soul
-that retrieves my memories like a dog would retrieve a ball

I am for an art... Tom Trownsell

I am for an art that makes people's eyes explode.
I am for an art that makes me unplug all electronics.
I am for an art that bothers other people.
I am for an art that uses both sides on my brain.
I am for an art that looks back at you.
I am for an art that it's easy to get lost in.

I am for an art (nando)

I am for an art that makes relates to my heritage.
I am for an art that shows peoples struggles.
I am for an art that changes peoples lives.
I am for an art that changes my perception on something i once knew about.
I am for an art that involves tattoos
I am for an art that uses music

Friday, August 8, 2008

Response to looking ahead

Entering into college I plan on being successful in college and out of college. So seeing myself in 10 years I will be very successful and more importantly happy. Of course i want to be well of, possibly married, but being happy in my number one. Hopefully i will be giving back to society in a positive way. I'm not sure what i will be giving back yet, I'm not a fortune teller. I just hope that is a positive. I also think with my major, and choice of work i wont have art displayed in a museum because I'm going to be running a venue hopefully. However, I will be creating my own art!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


This is Kirchner's Two Women from The Art Institute of Chicago's "Collecting for Chicago" exhibit. I hope that all of you had a chance to see it.

Its All About Respect

I learned from bridge there will always be room for improvement. Even with a debilitating illness I would still try to make an impact on society. I would run my track all the way to the point where I could not do no more. Even thought my decreased detail would not show signs of improvement I know it will show motivation. Motivation was another key factor I learned from bridge.
I would do it for myself but I would do it more for the people. I would like to inspire them and show them the motivation I had for my work. I wouldn’t want to be remembered as “oh that’s the guy who gave up” I want to be remembered as “oh that’s the guy who gave it all he got all right up until he died” the respect you for that. Picasso was depressed but we respect his art for was and we respect him for not giving up. Van Goh went insane but we respect him for the are he accomplished in his times of insanity. That’s my point.
This is a really good question. you coverd the aspects of the question from all angles and aloud indepth thinking. this is the longest post i wrote so far because you had such good questions it aloud my mind to keep thinking and free slowing ideas.

LeAlan and the College Experience!

I think LeAlan may at first not be that interested in College but then he would love it. To me he doesn't seem like the type of guy that would love school for the educational experience! His tips for success would probably be to keep your head in the books and work real hard because it's tough out here!!! I plan on treating college just like Shanita said, like a full time job! I know that it means a lot in my future and it means a lot to me and my parents. I intend to do my best and in the end be very successful!

Aieasha 4 Sale! Priceless. (Answer to sam's ?)

In my book LeAlan was known for his big mouth if he wanted to market himself he'd probably use his gift of gabb. I think that he would probably market himself by saying how he's not like the people in his enviroment. He would probably show the difference between a student in school and a student selling drugs.
I myself would probably try to sell my friendly characteristics. If I had to sell myself I'd probably make a good friend. I'd promote my listening skills, my great advisory, and my support. I would probablybe a great buy as friend. If you're looking for someone to talk to, someone to keep you company, make you laugh, and support you even when no one else does.

artistic vision

I define art as a way to show your expressions of what you are thinking on a canvas or something you can paint on. People’s artwork is form of one’s expression and the artist plans to show you of what he is feeling and thinking. The artist wants you to be a part of this piece and his job is to make you feel the artistic piece. I saw this painting of this pre adult sitting on this big log of wood with a background of wild berry bushes and forest like area. When I saw this painting, I thought right a way of Eustace Conway because it seemed like it was Eustace when he was younger. I thought it was young Eustace alone enjoying the background of the wilderness or probably resting from walking so much. Tell you the truth it really hasn’t changed me as a artist but it shows that when reading a book you can relate it to a piece of art you might see and remind you of the book.

"Look ahead" answer and comments

I think that when you are stating that everyone has to start somewhere and that we have to shape our ideas like the artists had to do in the museum. To get a better understanding of what you are trying to ask, you should put something in your question about the struggles that everyone has to go through to get to that point. It's not easy to be a succesful artist and what kind of things do you need to do to become succesful?

To answer your question, I see myself in 10 years with a steady career. I want to be stable with a clear understanding of what I am doing with my life and just to be happy. I can't say that I know what kind of career i'll be in, since I am just starting the college experiences I am sure things will change along way but I am working on figuring out what things really make me happy.

Martins Question response

In his question martin describes how he changed his life style to really step up and do well and make a future for himself. He describes paintings and how they change once something good or bad happens. This is a good point martin because many artist have gone through hardships and the well known artist have gone through hardships. Martin also asks questions that made me think about what i would really do if i had a disease and was a painter. Would I continue to display my art to others? He asked questions to the reader and Incorporated museum visits in his question. This question hit the bulls eye.

Paintings and Carvings

Tom, you're question is thought provoking. It's kind of hard for me to imagine as to what picture of Eustace I would paint other that nature itself. Painting a portrait of a marvelous landscape with a sunset to complent it would be the type of thing Eustace would get excited about, but since the question is also asking what the book means to me, I can guess as to what I'd paint. I would paint Eustace of course, being the focus of the picture, with the American flag in the background. At Eustace's feet would be people bowing to him in a god-like fashion, and above Eustace would be the titled Man of Destiny. This would show the he is indeed the Last American Man, a one of a kind pioneer whose rare skills are not found by many today, but it would also show the glory that Eustace wants drawn to himself as the so-called Man of Destiny.

The carved object of the world would be a child, seeing as how humans need to be cradled from time to time and reminded by someone higher than themselves that they are useless on their own.

Jonathans response to Julian

Well Julian, this is something I have thought about a lot latley. When i look back on the things we've done in bridge ive realized alot about myself, ive enjoyed lectures about books ive never read, i have wandered the art institute until i was dizzy but did not want to leave. This city has so much to offer and so many ways to expand your mind. Even the piles of homework, when i was done the weight was of my shoulders and my thoughts were turning for the rest of the night, i liked this. I still think of college in the same way and its all ive really wanted out of college; thinking and talking. Thats the only way i could really put it. Living downtown, even if only for month, i have met incredible people, friends, girls, and romed the beautiful streets. Living in the suburbs makes you want to be in Chicago. Living in Chicago makes you want to see the rest of the world. except new york and la.

--Julian, I really liked this question because it is someth3ing i havent been asked, but wanted to tell about. very well thought out. I like how its very particular to the people in bridge and in the city. hope i answered it thoughtfully and the way you intended.

Music Makes You Think

The question you raise is very clear and thought out and really makes you think. If Chuck was in on the lecture he would have realized how similar he is to people like Elvis, by how Elvis got some of his singing style from gospel music just like how Chuck gets ideas from the people he interviews. He would have also been taken by the the different ways people sing the same song in a different style.

I think black music is pretty much what got music started in the first place and got it were it is today. If we didn't have black music a lot of songs would all sound the same and we would have a limited amount of genres and styles. People would all think the same and have the same opinion, even though some music put not the best thoughts in peoples heads it helps balance out how people think. And if we all thought the same way life would go nowhere and also get pretty boring, pretty fast.

Response to stephanies question

I paint, draw, write and play music, but my paintings are very important to me. They express my deepest thought and emotion. Over the years i have began to find my style, not to the full extent but i have a form in witch i am sticking to.
I have many influences but i try to keep my artwork as original as possible. I dont incorporate other painters style into my artwork i just go with it as it comes naturally to me. It helps me to figure out my true self through my paintings without ripping of a style of someone elses.

Mansfield: What is Art?

Every fieldtrip we have had at bridge was a form of art one way or another. In our field trips we view pieces of art and reflect upon them. Having a general idea on the premise of each book, how do you define art and how are these books reflect and relate with the art work we seen. Once you have determined that. How has this art changed you (for the better) as an artist?

Could You?

Throughout this bridge program I have learned that change is a big part of our lives. It shows us everyday that things are not going to be the same and that we have to act now to make our future. In Utermohlen's work you see his progress and then his change when he is hit by dimensia. Are these changes considered good or bad in a way that the paintings are striking and powerful or are they just depressing. Ask yourself, if you were a painter struggling with a disease like this, from what you have learned through bridge, could you still make positive change in your life and art or blow off your art becasue of the way the disease is affecting you? And if so would you do it for yourself or for the publics' vision of your struggle?

positive points

During one of our lectures we had a presenter who spoke about marketing and presenting something to the public, making them interested in the product they are trying to sell. How would a character from your book market themselves? What would make someone want to hear their story? How would you want to present yourself? What positive points would you want to share with someone to "sell" yourself?

How have you grown?

Over the last few weeks, we've visited mesuems, seen some clips of films, went to lectures, and saw film clips. If you were to reflect upon the material that you've learned during Bridge Program, what would you say that you've obtained? Aside from the piles of homework given, how would reflect upon you're views of college, and how would those views conflicts with what you had thought about college or Columbia in general? What have you experienced in Chicago that may be different from your experiences at home? Lastly, how does your view of the city of Chicago affect your thinking of the world; globally?

Treat College like a full time job!

One of our first lectures Shanita A. discussed the 6 tips for success. One of the tips being treat college like it's a full time job! How would your character treat college? What would your characters tips for success be? How do you plan on treating college?
Another tip was success is a choice! Do you believe this is true? Do you think you create your own success, or you just have to be lucky? What do you think you characters views on success would be?

Stephanie's Question

When we went to see all that artwork on Tuesday at the museum and how it set up into different sections. There is a lot of culture put into those artwork that could back to many years. How would you make your art (music, writing, drawing, etc.) stick out that would make everyone remember it to years to come? What kind of culture influence would you incorporate in your artwork?

Look ahead.

On monday we went to the Art Institute of Chicago and had a chance to view others work. They had to start where we are. We attend an art school and in some way shape or form we have ideas, that eventually we all want to come to life. Now we are in college, where do you see yourself in 10 years? In what way will you be giving back to society? Will you be an artist with your work in the art museum?

Our America's Music

It would be interesting to hear how LeAlan, a character in Our America, would react to Stephanie's lecture on Black Music. During the lecture Stephanie showed the differences between the style and techniques of current music and music in the past times. She also defined what black music is and how some people define black music. She brought up many questions concerning music in general and how lyrics and quality of music has changed since the 1900's to present times.

How do you think LeAlan or your character would respond to Stephanie's lecture? Do you think black music or music in general effects the way people act and think?


In yesterdays lecture we learned about deforestation and the misuse of our natural resources. As a student in this day and age, what do you think needs to change about the way we use our natural enviornment? in one of the salons we walked around downtown, where nature is not very prevelent, do you think that it is wrong that we've taken praries and feilds and turned them into skyscrapers and resturaunts or do you think its benificial to us as people?

What is your picture of?

While looking at the paintings in the museums that we have gone to, we kind of tookking on the role of the author, Chuck from Stranger Than Fiction. This being that while we studied the paintings we looked at how the artist interprets the world and his surroundings by what and how he paints. If you were to paint a picture of what your book means to you what be of and what would it include. Also, if you were to carve an object that represents the world to you what would it be?

calling the author

Lucky we have the bridge program to give us an opportunity to make it into Columbia College. It shows that they have faith in us to achieve our goal of making it into in Columbia. Throughout the trips we made thru the city there was an assignment about describing the monuments of Chicago. There were times when we had to call people and describe to people of what you see and what you think of the monument. What if there was a situation where you had the authors’ phone number of the book you were reading. Then tell the person what you thought about the book? What were the flaws to the book? What were the parts that related to your life?

Nik's Ques. Aug. 7

In your major what knowledge do you already havethat shows everyone that you stand alone in your field? What would you like to learn about that you feel that you must know? How can you as a person make a difference in the world using your knowledge of you major to make it a better place or bring a new form of art that nobody has seen before? Also what resourses can you use and help save while making a difference in the world you live in today?

brit and tom ques. (nando)

I think it is wrong that we try to test unstable drugs on animals for the benefit of ourselves. It’s wrong because the animals have no say in what the scientist are doing to them. Us as people should be speaking out and saying it’s wrong to test on animals. You don’t know if there could be side effects and kill the animal. Instead of doing more test on the drugs to see if its stable to give to people we does test on animals and see the conclusion. To tell you the truth animals shouldn’t really have to suffer and get used for our experiments. In other words I think its messed up that we have to use animals for our safety of unstable drugs. Vaccines are good to cure the body for something you have but there could be side effects.


Several of Ivan Albright's pictures caught my attention. Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida was one of my favorites. The image was a decadent woman sitting on a chair with a mirror and a hairbrush in hand. Her face is grotesque; with a dead features that seem to represent time and its fragility. Her legs (the most noticeable attribute) are thick, but they look as if they are decaying. The images surrounding her look depressing as well; the room looks dark, as the only person in focus is the woman.
Ivan Albright was known for his gloomy paintings; from the Picture of Dorien Grey to The Door, Albright's paintings produce a frightening effect.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Silver tea pot

This silver tea pot cuaght my eye out of the pieces becuase it frminded me of my grandmas tea pot that she would drink out of everytime i saw her. It seems like it would never rust or tarnish, it seems so silver that it brings a presense of being cold when you touch it. it also reminds me of china because this is what they use to drink their tea.

Aieasha and kaylas question!

In our books, The Last American Man and Our America, our characters have to learn how to survive in their environments and at times struggle. What kind of struggles do your characters face in their environment? What kind of struggles do you face, whether it being at home, or school, etc...?

Art everywhere!

The first painting that caught my eye was a oil painting by De Scott Evans, called "The Irish Question." I realized what this painting meant even before i read the title. Back in the 19Th century the struggle for Irish immigrants to put food on the table for scarce. Potatoes were the cheapest and could feed many. That said a lot to me being i have a large Irish heritage. The artist did a very good job portraying a message in this painting.
I tried researching information on this artist and i couldnt find anything. I couldnt even find a picture of the painting i chose to write about on google. I tried looking up his biography and found nothing.

Martin and Jonathans Question 8/7/08

In todays lecture we talked about technology and the things to come, we all rely on technology, what types techologys are in the world that your your charecters live in? Also how do they cope with or without it and what does technology mean to them? explain. How does the technology through the lecture realate to you? Do you agree with there use or misuse of the technology around them, why or why not?

Reminder About Discussion Questions

Keep in mind, the second round of discussion questions you are writing should incorporate salons, lectures, and/or museum visits. Ideally, you will demonstrate HOW various elements of what you're experiencing (reading, seeing, writing, and thinking about) throughout Bridge connect to one another (local). The questions generated from the connections you make should lead your classmates to ponder their Overall Bridge Experience and/or what it means to be a member of and student in present-day America society (global).

For instance: It's interesting to think about how Eustace would react to Kevin Henry's lecture today. Eustace has always been designing efficient and sustainable "products" from nature, which is what Kevin Henry is urging contemporary designers to do. Granted, a chair is made from a tree and nature provided the tree, but there is a difference between the way Eustace uses a tree and the way mainstream American society uses the tree. We, as a society, exploit the tree--take what we need, dye it black or blue or fuschia, and who cares what happens to the rest.

Eustace would not let any particle of the tree go to waste AND he would offer the tree a prayer of thanksgiving.

You, as the next generation of designers, artists, producers, etc. will be faced with the remnants of a culture that exploits and abuses its resources. Like Eustace, you will need to figure out how to get the most out of every particle. What kind of awareness will you bring to your chosen field? What "products" do you hope to generate through your work and how will you make them, as Kevin said, sustainable and long-lasting?


This piece is about showing the simplicity in the older years, an older lifestyle. Playing croquet is like an old past time for them. This vibrant piece was created by Winslow Homer.

discussion question 8/6 (nando & steph)

In The Last American Man lately he has worked hard to endure kids in his program. But lately with some kids in the program they complain about mostly everything and Eustace does gives up on them. Why do you think? Would you does give up on something you have worked hard for?

Rehersal of the Pas de Loop Orchestra

John Singer Sargent was an American painter but very active in England. He was a pianist as well as an excellent painter. He traveled the world and sat in on many orchestra rehearsals. Rehearsal of the Pas de Loop is a painting of a rehearsal that he watched frequently. To me, the many brush strokes and scattering of the lines in this painting represents the music he was hearing. When I look at this painting I can hear the music being played. The colors of the orchestra pit has a dark color to it, everything looks the same and the people who are sitting on the side listening are the ones with the vibrant colors and to me that represents the feeling of joy while they are listening to this music. They are being filled with a sound that they are enjoying and experiencing.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"just a painting?" --- by Jonathan

Out of all of the incredible peices we saw today, there was one that stood out for me personally on a different level. The peice was called "The Mocking of Christ", it was painted by Edouard Manet in eighteen sixty-five. The gaint picture was hung in the most well lit spot in the center of the room. It was a painting of Christ sitty with his wrists bound being made fun of and poked at with sticks by three men wearing some sort of suits of armor. What really made me feel something about this painting was the two foriegn women standing in front it crying. this amazed me. this shocked me. mind you i am not a religious person, the emotions felt by these two women because of this painting made me feel something for it, i had never seen anything like this.


During our museum visit I saw a painting that caught my eye by Archibald J. Motley Jr. (1891-1981). The painting was entitled Blues. It was painted in 1929 and it was of an African American man playing in what I assume was a jazz club. What got my attention was the fact that the man who was black, was playing in a jazz club where there were white people sitting around and black people and they were sitting in the same vicinity and dancing with each other. I researched Mr Motley Jr. and found this information.
I saw that Mr. Motley Jr was one of the first of several artists to concentrate on African American life in his painting. He never worked or lived in Harlem, his work provided a foundation for much of the work that became identified with the Harlem Renaissance. He is best-known for his portraits and genre scenes of Chicago's Black Belt. I really was intrigued by his small biography and the painting.

field trip to the museum!

The first painting that caught my eye was a oil painting by De Scott Evans, called "The Irish Question." I realized what this painting meant even before i read the title. Back in the 19Th century the struggle for Irish immigrants to put food on the table for scarce. Potatoes were the cheapest and could feed many. That said a lot to me being i have a large Irish heritage. The artist did a very good job portraying a message in this painting.

the tree that was struck by a thunderbolt

There was an amazing painting by Jasper Francis Cropsey. It seemed like it was oil painting because of the texture of the painting. The piece was called blasted tree and was exactly correct because as you see the painting it matches the pieces name. The painting looks good like the painter took a while to paint this piece. The back round looks pitch black like it has been through a very bad storm. There is little patches of the clear sky like the sun wants to come out but it’s too early after a storm does probably happened. The clouds look like they does been through throwing down some thunder. There was a tree that was near the end of the mountain and showed it split in half. The other half of tree was hanging down on the ground and it seemed like that tree was there for a while. The painting reminded me of a tree that fell on a house yesterday on my block because half of it was broken off and the back round in the painting matched the sky yesterday.

Museum Trip

While walking around in the museum I came upon this watercolor painting called Business by Charles Demuth. It showed the side of a building with its winds filled with numbers and days some what like a calender and  buildings casts a shadows on the wall. The thing that makes it cool though is that that the shadows have depth, making you question if they are shadows or if you are seeing the outline of the building itself. Looking back I found looking at all the art to be rather fun and while I live downtown for school I will definitely check out more museums.

What Makes You Tic?

I always wonders what happened to Le Allan and Lloyd. I wondered if they ever made out of the projects. I thought about what they could have become. I wanted to dig deeper on the subject and find out where they ended up in the end.

Me personally I like to know how things work. I like to know why they do the things they do. What makes them tic and what drives them. If I can take it apart I most likely will. Just to learn with my hands, that’s how I work. That’s just how I work

some celebrity stuff dont ride with me

I have seen some people with grillz and to me its does ridiculous. For most people who don’t know what grillz are they are like these all diamond teeth shape dentures that you put on your mouth. They suppose to look cool and everything but they look dumb in mouth. You mostly see rappers with them and they spend like more than ten grand for them sometimes them. It’s ridiculous that you spend that much money and it looks ridiculous on a person. I would never wear those grillz there too expensive and they would look dumb on me anyways. I went to school all day during my senior year of high school and then I went to night school also a had a class through a mailing system. It was so difficult to do all that homework within a limited amount of time and sometimes it was does hard to manage.

The Secret Smile

Lucan Frued is a picture of a Caucasian male he looks as if he where taking a mug shot for prison. This picture is drawn in pencil or charcoal. Though the shadows around his chin and chest are very prominent. He has a smile if you look really closely. You cant really notice it though its almost as if it’s a secret smile to you and only to you. Like you and him are sharing a secret. But it is not a happy smile it’s kind of creepy.

Freud was born in germany. He was first noticed for his work the painters room. alot of his work is very sharp and somwhat disterbing.

johny's message to me (nando) clean version

Hello Fernando and how are doing today? What are you doing today? Well anyways I was looking at this enormous tower right now and I think it is called the Trump tower. It looks very nice and immaculate perfection when it comes to architecture and seems very lengthy in height. Fernando my friend we should get some nice and intellectual women that we could discuss politics and society life with them. We could maybe have some tea and cookies with them and after drop them off at their houses. It would seem like we could have some nice discussions and book readings in that condo. Next time can I borrow a dollar for a cigarette and let’s get together. Have a nice day Fernando. Goodbye.

Julian revised to Mansfield

Helo Mansfield umm im at the bean now and there is a bunch of cute A$$ girls here. ohh shes cute, the one with the pink dress, oh ya. Its pretty much reflects the whole city pretty much… like a mirror you realy should see it so ya. that’s about it, ya bye.

Hello Mansfield, I am standing here next to the bean right now. There happens to be many attractive women surrounding me at the moment. One woman with a pink dress happens to stand out of the crowd. The bean on the other hand seems to have the image of the entire city on its surface. The surface has the same properties of a mirror. You should really come visit it. Bye.

Brittney's voicemail revised

Brittney's voicemail was filled with questions concerning the Trump Tower, it's structure, and as to where does Mr. Trump sleep. She seemed to be very taken back by the sight and she enjoyed looking at the building.

nandos call to lil nik [rewritten]

He intoducing himself. He just got to the trump tower and has never been here before. He says it looks very futureistic and appears to like the way it was being built. Fernando also thinks hes just some rich person who doesnt care about other people just his money. He belives its good for the city and this building is a place for lawyers.

Tom and Brittany's Question 8/6

From the lecture do you believe that it is humane to test animals with unstable drugs? Also do you think that be given vaccines is better or worse for your body?

nandos call add on

There were a lot of boats and the weather was hot. It was a very nice day at first but then it got worse. At this time there were a lot of people and all of them look busy and in a rush.

johny's message to me (nando)

Hey nando Wat's up? Wat you up too man? anyways dude i was looking at this big tower right i think its called the Trump Tower its sick man, its a pretty tall building. Dude we should we defiantly get some girls to party with them and throw a big party up their its seems like it would be pretty straight up there to throw down man. Hey next time i see you let me bum a square yea. Anyways lets chill soon! laterz man.

Juliens call to nik [rewritten]

Juilien is at the trump building and is looking at it. julein thinks its a fancy place for rich people to have meetings at. He believes the design could be better and less plain like the other buildings. He is being friendly and says bye.

But I Dont Want Golden Spinners On 22's!

I think some of the things that famous people have are two excessive. They will buy thousand dollar dresses they will only use once. They will get chains and jewelry just to say they have chains and jewelry. They don’t by anything worth wile. Everything they get is useless in the end. No one will want a 48cararrot gold 22’s. Seriously? Come on!

I never had anything to extravagant. If it wasn’t practical I wouldn’t buy it. Sometimes I waste my money on videogames, even when I don’t have the money to waste. So that can be considered to be ridiculous. When I got it I found out suddenly that it is hard to manage my money when I’m trying to pay it back. Most of the times I end up returning the game and come out just about even.

Toms Revised Phone Calls

Julian told me that he was on bridge near Greenish, Blue water where people were on a ferry looking up at him.

Kayla explained that she was at the bean and there were a lot of people just staring stupidly at their reflection in the bean. Also you could see the city's reflection in the bean.

Call to Mansfield

Ok uhhhhh trump towers uhhhh I’m seeing ……..elevators going up in front of the building and uhhh it looks really scary and their boats going by and uhh the river and uhhh…………… I don’t know anything about Donald Trump except uhhhhhhh he went bankrupt he has a show called the apprentice and uhhh he has a really bad come over and that’s about it ok bye

Brittney's call to Julian

hi julian we are at the trump tower and i am wondering who the hell is going to clean these windows. The Trump Tower is by the water and im sure you can get a wonderful view. Flynn said to leave all your thoughts on the person's voicemail so im wondering if mr.trump stays here, where is he going to sleep? The building has at least several hundred floors or more,'s going to rain, so i'd better get off your phone before I use up all your minutes

Aieasha's translation

Aieasha basically said that she loved the river and that although it was very hot outside she was glad that she got to see the river because it helped to cool her off. She didn't really know what to leave on my voicemail because she almost didn't understand why she was leaving a voicemail anyway. But in the end we both were just enjoying the cool breeze from the river!!!

Interpritation of Niks call to Jonathan

Hello Jonathan, this is your class mate Nik. I am Standing here on the Michigan Avenue bridge above the Chicago River. The boats are slowly passing under us, some full of tourists and some local recreacionalists enjoying summertime chicago. Many people are walking by on the street, shopping bags in hand, they are looking around at sculptures and listening to a group of young street performers playing percussion on buckets. the water of the river flowing into the lake is a deep blue, and the sun is reflecting off of it. Its very warm out, a beautiful day. It has been a very nice walk around town with the rest of our classmates, i will see back in class. Farewell and goodbye.

Samanthas revised phone call to Stephanie

Hey Sam, this is Stephanie. The Trump tower is so big, it's really tall! It looks like it costs alot of money to build it. There are elevators that the workers use to go up and down since they are still in the middle of building it. The type of people that would live here probably would have a good amount of money. I would not want to the job of washing the windows, there are alot of them!

Kaylas revised phone calls to Samantha!

"When i look at the Trump Towers, I think of a lot of money that is not only put into the building but a lot of money that people will spend here. looking at these buildings i picture people spending a lot of money.I can honestly say I think Donald Trump is an arrogant jerk who has way to much money for his own good. Although, He seems to be a pretty smart guy. To add on i am look up at the elevators, and it looks terrifying.

--Samantha's phone call to me!

Martins messages

Nando-What up, I'm at Michigan Avenue. Its nice but its way to hot, and uhh, watchin' all the people walk over the bridge, boats out, but its nice out here. Its been here like since the begining. You know lake michigan is michigan, you know what im sayin. They name it what they name, alright. see ya
Tom- Hey martin, its tom; yeah, uh, were at the trump tower right now and theres like people going up on elavators, all the way up and stuff. But i think, like, business people could work here. Its a pretty cool building, okay, bye.
Stephanie- Hey martin, oh my god, you can see chicagos first lake. You can see boats and people on boats. The bridge i think is a hundred years old, uh. The water looks about 30 ft deep.

An Inspirtational Movie

One movie that I saw that really inspired me was the movie Pay it Forward. This movie was about a young boy who wanted to make a difference in the world by helping people. He helped 3 people and then they helped three people and the little boy really did make a difference. This movie inspired me to want to do things for other people and want to make a difference in the world. I realized that everybody should be given a chance and everyone should be given a second chance if need be.
I think that someone else would have been inspired by the work of this young man in this movie. Someone like me may have been touched by his innocence and may have been touched by his generosity.

Julian calling Mansfield

Helo Mansfield umm im at the bean now and there is a bunch of cute A$$ girls here. ohh shes cute, the one with the pink dress, oh ya. Its pretty much reflects the whole city pretty much… like a mirror you realy should see it so ya. that’s about it, ya bye.

Blood Diamond

I recently seen the movie called blood diamond and it was great. It inspired me to not take life for granted because there are people over the world that has it worse than you. My life isn’t so great but people would kill to have the freedom I have and not worry about getting killed at any time. It was about a man from Africa who found a big diamond while working under a terrorist group and another man who tries to help him escape to make profit. It was influential because it shows how a man does everything to see his family and faces many struggles along the way. A man or woman has do anything to be with their family.

Oranges for Alex

One movie that I saw recently that inspired me was Clockwork Orange because it was shot very well and had a good story. The thing is even though the film didn't want me to go stop people like Alex and his evil Drooges it made me want to shoot a film like that one. It may not not accepted by a lot of people it is still a well shot film and also a cult classic that has a very important message. I don't think any one would really give the film a chance due to that the first hour is very dark and evil. But if they did they would learn how a film should be shot and compiled into a great movie.

My Lastest My Greatest Inspiration!

The last movie that I have seen was Hancock. It was not that inspiring. Good though! I have not really seen a good inspiring movie lately, what's up with that? I think I'm in need of one but the last one that I have seen was probably a while back. I think that it was Pay It Foward about a young boy who decides to help three people and he encourgages those three people to help three more people and pay it foward. It was a really good movie. I cried!
I think others can be inspired by this movie as well because of the plot behind it was so good. This movie makes you want to pay it foward and try to change the world one person at a time. I really recommend this movie if you haven't seen and if you have then you would probably agree with how I feel about this film.

SLC punk

One of my favorite movies that i have recently watched was slc punk. As a punk, it has inspired me in different ways. I can compare and contrast the things that Heroin bob and Stevo do to my own life. The way i live mine is not exactly the same becasue it takes place in a different time era but i can relate to it musically.

Personally I dont think that everyone could relate to it becasue it is about two punks trying to live there lives. You kind of have to know about the punk scene to get the movie and relate to it. Its funny at parts and there are many things that you can understand but there are also many things that you couldnt understand if you know nothing about it.


I watch alot of movies and most of them inspired me to look up if its true of whats going on in the movie. The one movie that inspired me was hotel rwanda with don cheadle. His role in this movie is to hide refugess in his hotel to protect them from a govermment that has turned upside down. Their president was assignated and no one is really in control of the country. This inspired me to research about this tradegy and all the mass killings in the 90s. Nick Nolte is a U.N. officer and is trying to intermediate this massive situation. I didnt like that he really didnt do much till the end. His character made me want to fight for these refuges and do a better job as a U.N. officer nad try to save these people.

Todays movies inspiring?

After reading the question Samantha and Mansfield's question it really made me thing. I turned to Samantha and said, i haven't seen any movies lately that have inspired me. She responded by asking me, you haven't seen any movies recently that have inspired you or effected you at all? And to answer that no, i really haven't.
In today's society i feel that movies are there for just entertainment, and making money. I can honestly say that last film that really inspired me, or made me think or want to make a difference was like 3 years ago when i saw the movie Human Trafficking. The movie was based on the black market of young children being kidnapped and sold for mainly sexual purposes. I wanted to research it more and find out more how this is being prevented.

A Inspiration Movie To Me

I watch a lot of movies but rarely find one that inspire me. I don't know the name of this movie but it's about a girl who wasn't wanted by her aunt. So she ran away from home and decided to go on a journey. She sees a person doing horse diving and try her best to become a horse diving girl. Then she became blind while doing one of the horse diving tricks. But she never give up and went back to horse diving without see a thing.
It doesn't inspire me too much because I don't swim. But she never gave up and still do the thing she love. I never give up and once I start something, I tend to finish it no matter what keep me back.

Respones to samantha+mansfield by Jonathan

I am constantley being inspired by movies i watch, film is one of my biggest hobbies. Just watching movies and comparing directors and styles and cinematography, talking with friends about there favorite movies and why. One movie i recently watched that really inspired me was a flic called "Catch Me if You Can".
This movie was based on a true storie about a con artist who would pull off these intricate schemes such as posing as an off-duty airline pilot to catch free flights where ever he wanted to go, a head doctor of a hospital, and a gambler. Although most of these impersonations were crimainal acts, they inspired me to do something dangerous and adventerous. The concept of going somewhere that no one knows who you are and creating a whole new persona is unbelievable. I think anyone who watches this movie would feel the same way, the want to break free and do something adventerous.

Nando's Call to Brittany

"hey Brittany, this is Nando. I'm suppose to call you about this bean and when I first saw it I was like, what the hell is this? I mean I guess the artist was trying to be different. Well, I do kinda like it. I was wondering why this random big ass bean was in the middle of the park. Kinda funny, but ok. Bye"

Aieasha's call to Brittany

Aieasha-"Hey, so I just left you, I don't know what to say, We are looking at the river and it's really hot, but I'm glad we came here because the river is making it cooler outside. Ok I don't know what to say...umm we are leaving now....umm...ok...Goodbye

Monday, August 4, 2008

niks call to jonathan

hey man, this is nik. im standing on the bridge over a river. theres a lot of boats and there are a lot of people walking by. the water is really blue, nice day out. alright see ya.

Reply to kaylas post by Jonathan

Yes kayla, a lot of the people in the book Stranger than Fiction have a difficult time being accepted by people for their lifestyle choices. just like Eustice Conway they are trying to live their own way despite what society tells them is the right way.
people may have misunderstandings about who i am. If so it would not bother me, if people dont take the time to figure out who you are they are not worth your time. all people should live their own lives their own way.

lil nik discussion ? for Wednesday 8/6

In Stranger than Fiction, Chuck the writer scopes out the reality of cosmetic surgury and procedures for celebrities and he tries them himself. After Chuck went through a Lip Enhancer he tries to find out if this procedure is worth his time and money. What kind of similar things do you think about when you see the crazy, cool things celebraties have? And imagine how yourself could fit this expensive thing into your lifestyle. Have you ever felt that you were torn between something you know that was just too ridiculous for you to even manage in your own life?


All of the characters are judged by chuck because hes writting about them. he is anylizing them saying what there doing and what he thinks. people usually dont judge me in a bad way bet they might judge on how im dressed and what i might do in my free time. Many peolpe dont judge they get first impressions of people and decide what they think of them

julien call to lil nik

yep this looks like the trump building. it looks loike a fancy place for rich people. the design looks gay but thats my opinion. see you later homie.

Nandos call to lil nik

hey wats up its your boy fernando. im just out here in chicago at trump tower and sh#t. it looks furturistic and shit, like some 2010 type shit. there rebuilding it. trump is some richh snobby f%cker. hes taking over u.s.a. its good for the city. hes making his whomp. its a place for lawyers and sh!t.

Toms Phone Calls

OK Tom I'm at a bridge and there's lots of water and there's people and there's people on the boat and the waters very deep looking and the water has like a Greenish feeling and a Bluish type look to it and it looks very tasty but then again it looks kind of dirty, and the people on the ferry boat are looking at me because they know I look good. Yeah so see you later Tom.

Hey (laughter) um I'm just looking at the bean and I'm seeing a whole bunch of people looking up at it looking like a bunch of dumb idiots and its shiny and you can see the buildings trough it and um yea that's about it, k bye.

Bad Teacher

I would say that my old teacher seemed nice on the outside but powerful and overwhelming on the outside. She would always say things in a nice way to the class but individually she would be mean and cruel. I remember on time she asked the class what was the Principal's name and my friend answered Chris and she then snapped at him answering the question. The best and only way I could handle the teacher was just wait till I was out of her class and just hope I didn't piss her off.

Kayla's phone calls!

"Heyyyyy, its Tom!""Hows it going,uh yeah,I'm at the bean, in front of it. Theres a lot of people out here, yeah and its really big and I'm wearing a sweater and its really kinda hot, um yeah i can see my reflection. OK yeah, well, and yeah there is a lot of people under the bean. I don't see what the big hype is, its like a big mirror. but I don't know i guess its cool, i wonder how they got it in there, its huuugeeee. OK, well bye.

"When i look at the trump towers, i see you but, i think of money, lots and lots of money that will be here and i think of him like an arrogent asshole who has way too much money for his own good. But i guess hes a smart guy, and i picture rich people and the elavators are scary as shit.

don't look at me like that! (tom ques)

In my book The Last American Man my character Eustace is misunderstood by his family and mostly his father. His father doesn’t understand why Eustace would waste his time traveling the United States instead of getting a respectable job. Many people misunderstand Eustace and his ways of living his life because they look at him and say oh hears another hippie or grizzly man. He is a complex person that you have to get to know to know who he really is. They look at Eustace and might be confused like why he dresses like that. People don’t that he dresses that way because that’s the culture he believes in and that’s the way he lives, so people judge him for what he looks like.

Many times people have seen me in a group of people that look suspicious and look at us like with a worried look on there face like something is about to happen. When I was in my high school years I use to hang out with the guy the same age as me and guys older in me that were in gang. I always was with those guys and there were a lot of us I mean {A LOT}. There were some guys that weren’t gangs like me and some other guys but we were still looked at because people didn’t understand us. People thought I was a gang banger but I wasn’t, they were does quick to judge.

he aint no bully its does the way he is (julian ques)

I got to say hands down it would be my pops that’s does the way he has always been. My father wants to be in control of the whole family even though he is like second youngest and there are six children. He does likes to be in control of things he thinks he is the“JEFE” aka the boss. He says he could smash anybody who comes at him its kind of true he took three guys by himself before my mom and aunts told me before. The point is he thinks he is high and almighty and since I was young till now he has never changed. No never really gentle on the surface I see that once in a while because it seems like it’s that time of the month for him always overwhelming and powerful.

problems with the ladies (nick ques.)

It wouldn’t be something very odd in The Last American Man I would like to explore. It would be something simple like why does Eustace have trouble with women. I mean these so called beautiful women are throwing themselves at him and he really does doesn’t recognize it. I can’t understand why he makes these women suffer while he doesn’t really care. I think its does odd that he doesn’t really take time to really like these girls. He goes thru them like a new pare of shoes each month without taking care of them.

Yes sometimes I does let things go why get into it but if it’s interesting I’ll do what ever to figure the thing that got me curious. Sometimes I’ll think about and be like damn what really happen back then. Then I will think about the whole day trying to figure it out. Then I’ll get really pissed off if I don’t figure out about the thing that got me curious.

always judging (kayla's ques.)

I read the same book and Eustace always use to get in trouble. He got in trouble does because he couldn’t solve a math problem when he was a baby. This guy lived out in the open and was criticized for living out dreams. Eustace is judged for his appearance and love of the wilderness. He still believes in his mission and wont care if people judge him.

People do have a hard time figuring me out though. I’m at Columbia for an opportunity to get a degree in audio and acoustics, mostly becoming an audio engineer. Some people look at me like all surprised when I say I want to be audio engineer. At first, my father and my father’s side of the family didn’t like the idea. They thought it was a dead end job but I aint going stop till a reach my goals of becoming a audio engineer. I have been judged in the past because of my clothing. The clothes were to big on me and some people thought I was a gang banger.

Samantha's phone calls

1. “Hey Sam, this is Johnny standing about 15 feet away from you and standing next to the bean, it’s pretty cool. Uhhh it’s like big and silver and can see the skyline in it. Yeah, it’s huge.”

2. " “Hey Sam, this is Stephanie, the Trump building is like big and tall and yea. Lots of money, like all that. Elevators going up and down and it’s like crazy and it’s like lots of money to spend on it. Lots of money would be hanging here, it would suck to wash the windows. That’s it. Bye!”

Samantha and Mansfield Question for 8/5

In one of our salons we watched a couple of movies with a strong theme. Have you recently watched a movie that inspired you? What was it and why was it so influential? Do you think others could relate to it the way you did?

Flynn's Thursday Message to Nicole

"Nicole, Flynn here. I’d wonder where you are but I think you just disappeared under the bean. From the angle I can see… your head go straight up and then it goes extremely vertical...uhh... the other way. _________ just asked me why he shouldn’t be able to call his friend 'cuz his friend’s in the bathroom but realistically doesn’t realize the assignment in..includes him leaving a message. Sometimes I wonder why all these things are being...reflected toward the ground instead of up into the sky so you’d see pieces from a distance in those towers and you can make more sense about why we have high buildings in our know big phallic structures per say that we always speak of. Anyway, you're coming close to me right now so I should probably get off the phone--oh my god."

all around the world

When I'm reading I just want to know more about the story. I'm not necessarily thinking of things I want to go out and research on like Chuck did but I do want to go out and see the world. I know that may sounds cliche but learning new things and seeing different cultures fascinates me. I can't read about it in a book I actually want to physically put my self there and truly get the feeling of this new culture.

I think this effects my life because I am driving to see different things, things I don't understand but would like to get to know. To stay open minded to new opportunities and events to really get the picture of how big and different our world is. I don't want to stay in my own bubble, doing the same things everyday. I really want to take advantage of how different we all are and creating new experiences.

Never mess with a Wookie

My step uncle is a massive and powerful guy. They iconic symbol of a man, construction worker, hands the size of frying pans, brushes his teeth with rocks. You know, everything that makes you manly. At 7feet tall this wookie of a man is actually really nice, just don’t get on his bad side. If you do, he will tear you a new one the same way he tears Chinese phonebooks with his teeth.
If it were someone else I would avoid them due to intimidation. Since I know him it’s ok to crack a few jokes. I wouldn’t cross the line though. You know the line that he drew in the cement with his fingernail. I know him when he is angry, and that’s when you are suppose to not make any sudden movements and back out of the room.

Curiosity Killed the Cat.

I can't say that I have read a book that made me curious. Honestly I'm not really a curious person. I think that sometimes being curious can broaden your horizon but at the same time I wouldn't like to be too nosey! I think that being curious affects you greatly. It's affects can be large or small but there's always an affect I think. I think that finding out new things or investigating on things you are curious about makes you more knowledgable of things.

know your thoughts

I am also reading the last american man, and i do see the fact that he has been judged all of his life. Sometimes when i meet a new person they have a hard time understanding my humor.

After a while i begin to joke around and it is in that persons spirit to either accept it or reject it.
I come off as the person that i want to be, i accept people for who they are and i always enjoy when the favor is returned. This truely makes me feel welcomed and the best thing you can have in a relationship is comfort. If you dont understand how the person you are with reacts to certain things it may be hard for you to get comfortable. Comfort is also key in the way you joke around with someone. Ask yourself "are these comments too personal for your experience with the person and are you getting to far in to there background"? You should always ask yourself questions like this even if it is a close friend of yours because it wouldnt be right to hurt there feelings. Dont assume just becasue of poor judgement. Find out for real and give things time before you pounce on them or bombard them with questions or immiture comments.

Reply to Niks question by Jonathan

Reading the book Stranger than Fiction has actually sparked my interest in alot of things, some directly related to the book and some things that branch off of the main subjects of the stories. Reading about demolition derbys made me want to give driving a combine machine a shot, and reading Julliette Lewis's section made me want to listen to her (probablly crappy) band. Thats what so great about this book, the topics are so random that they give you this curiosity about other completley obscure subjects. I think it is definetley worth delving into odd topics just to learn something new.

One of my biggest hobbies is just going on the internet, google or wikipedia, and just reading about a complete random topic. And not only one topic but expandiong from there. Sometimes even clicking blindly on links and reading the information presented. It is a great way to learn something new.

The One Crazy Man

I have encountered many people who seemed one way on the outside but were a totally different person underneath. The one person that I met who seemed to me as a crazy person was my ex-boyfriend. He was so sweet when we first met and treated me real well, then things began to change. He first started to yell over little things like food and then when we would get into an argument he would throw things like a little kid. I then began to feel kind of scared so I immediately thought to get out of this relationship. When I tried to break up with him in a nice way he grabbed me and told me no, then started to cry and begged me to stay. Like an idiot I stayed. After all of that he started acting crazy again and decided to try to hit me. That was the end.

I got out of that relationship as quickly as possible! I broke up with him so quick he didn't know what happened! I think that I handled that situation very well I think. There were things that I could have done better like immediately leave out of the relationship or never have entered into it in the first place.

Only God can judge me!

My characters Lloyd and LeAlan are judged every day. When you tell someone you are from the projects they automatically draw up accusations in their head about you. They think you steal, or have no education, sell drugs, and are very poor. My characters face this everyday from the outside world dealing with their world living in the projects.
I think everyone not just me is judged. The first seven seconds you meet a person they already have an oppion in their head of what they think of you. I am judged because I am not quick to speak out. I let people talk and show me who they are first and if I feel comfortable then I talk and engage in conversation. Most people think I'm mean or stuck up but I'm not I'm actually waiting for people to show me theirselves. I wait to see who I am dealing with. You shouldn't speak so soon in certain situations so I wait my turn.

changing views

For example i do think that there were instances in my book where it cut short and i needed to know. Sometimes this can be the point to the passage and sometimes you may feel the need to know. At one point you may figure it out or not at all. It is all how you intereperet and engaged you are in the book.
One part in the book that struck me was when Eustace talked to the crack dealer. For some reason this really intreauged me and i wanted to know more. He came into the city to talk about himself and his ways. As he approached a crack dealer, he completly turned his mind around. The dealer comented on his shirt by saying "where did you get that". And Eustace said that he made it and that he could teach him how to make one as well. This made me think, what was going to come out of this. Would a crack dealer really go out into the wilderness from his city life with Eustace, and was he that interested that he would actually go do it.

Being Misunderstood

In Our America, LeAlan and Lloyd are not in a specific group that is misunderstood but rather they are in a community that is misunderstood. They live in the Ida B. Wells and sometimes many people were misunderstood that lived there. Many thought that the young people there were robbers and gangsters and meant wrong in everything that they did. What many people didn't understand was that this lifestyle was the only lifestyle that these people knew. If these young people learned to do better when they were young they would do right but they didn't so they don't.
I was placed in a situation where because I am a "church girl" and grew up in the church and hang with my friends from church I was seen as stuck up because I didn't want to do what everyone else was doing. I didn't mean to come off that way I just didn't want to be like everyone else. I wanted to be my own person and make my own decisions and hang with other people that were like me. The outcome of the situation was that I was seen in a negative way rather than a positive one but I cleared that up quickly.

just rap ok

All the characters in the book have their own strange story and uniqueness about them. As the reader you have to determine what weird and out of the norm for you. In monkey see monkey do a fan stops chuck and tells him, he loves how he talks about tainted food. The Fan might think that for fun chuck taints his friends food and others if he could. I think people get the wrong impression pf me all the time with how i dress. People think that i like metal and rock when i just like rap. They also think that i like b96 music when i like the underground seen and never listen to the radio. They are amazed because i wear "rocker" clothes. They also think that I'm not a educated person or a person who wants to go to college and be somebody. I don't like this because people shouldn't be based on how you appear but how you act around others.

Jakes Sports Bar

I worked at a restaurant called Jake's Sports Bar and I hosted there for about one year. It was my first time working in the restaurant business and I was really nervous. When I met my manager for the first time, Kent, he was really nice and helpful. He did seem a little stern but nothing to bad. The first time I saw someone mix up an order on a really busy night I heard Kent go belistic on this poor waitress. He screamed in her face like she just killed his dog or something. It made me even more nervous because I hate being yelled at. Ever since I saw him freak out I tried my hardest to not mess anything up. I was always on my toes watching out for him because I did not want to have an encounter like that.

I Just...Dont...Understand

Lloyd and Le Allen can be considered to be misunderstood. They are misunderstood by people not from their neighborhood. They may not understand why people in the projects do what the bad things they do in order to stay alive. Outsiders won’t understand the real struggle unless they experience it firsthand. So in a way my characters are somewhat misunderstood.
Everyone can be misunderstood at any point in time. The only person that really gets you is you. I’m the quite type. It allows me to adapt to the environment then adjust my personality so I can fit in. but people don’t understand why I do that so I guess I’m misunderstood then.

Fork in the Road

I am reading the same book Stranger Than Fiction and I totally agree that while reading the book it some times makes you want to wonder why people do the things they do. Like the castle builds and how they dropped every thing and chose to build castles for a living and I ask my self why would you change your life around to build castles? Then I read further into the love they have for castles and how they have wanted to do since they were a kid.
There have been times in my life when things have spiked my curiosity in things like film and cameras and when I started watching more films and shot more with my camera I realized that I really liked it and if it wasn't for diving in further with that I would have not know what I have been missing. But there have been times when I have looked farther in to music and I learned that it was not my thing.

Misunderstood & Out Of Place

My characters in the book Our America is always misunderstood because of the environment they grow up in and how they talk in a certain language that most people made not understand. But if they got to know the real them, they would know that they are great people to be around them. Everyone gets misunderstood because of where they are coming from, how they behave, or how they look.

I always get misunderstood when I'm with my family or with my friends. My friends act crazy and say weird stuff but that is not who I am inside. Or when I with my family they look different than what I look like and I'm always judge because of it. I don't act like my family wants me and act myself when I'm with my friends. But just because I've hang out with a certain crowd doesn't mean I'm probe to what are like. I'm my own person and I think society needs to stop make decisions over us.

Being Curious Made Kill Me

In Our America, I want to know what happen to Eric Morse's brother and how he have to cope with see his brother die right in front of him. And where were the parents that night when Johnny and Tyrone killed Eric. They could have step up to the plate and raise their childern better than that. But it's leave me curious about what happen to Lloyd and LeAlan after they did this book.
If I watch a movie or read a book and they leave me hanging at the end of it, I get upset because I'm curious to what happens next. Or if a book have a good ending but still left unanswer question about certain character. It makes me so curious that I think up wild thought of what happen to them or what would happen if a book or movie tend to go beyond without stoping.


I can't really say that I've read something in The last American Man that made me want to research into something odd. But I have had moments where something that seems totally worth of investigation turns out to be a waste of time in the long run, or it happens to be something that's not to my liking. When I want to spend ample amounts of time researching the post production of a new movie coming out, I do all that I can to find out everything about the film; I research directors, actors, cinematographers, scriptwriters, and so forth.

Unfortunately, my research hits rock bottom when I see the promotional pictures, teaser trailer, or even posters for the movie. As a avid movie goer, I can just smell when a movie will bomb the box office, or if not that, the film will be a box office smash hit, but it will be destroyed by critics and fans alike. (example, the new Dragonball movie to be released April 2009 looks like crap)